Summer Book Challenge
The Summer Book Challenge is a reading incentive program for 3rd-12th grade students to earn $CASH$ for reading over the summer months. The response we've received this year as been unbelievable. After receiving zero submissions last year, we've received over 400 book reports so far and over 7,000 registrations representing 35 states and 3 countries. The Summer Book Challange is the cornerstone program of our non-profit organization entitled S.A.G.E Foundation. S.A.G.E stands for Students Acheving Greatness in Education. Our S.A.G.E Foundation Mission is to inspire children to read, cultivate healthly relationships through teamwork and to celebrate achievements in education. We are ATTEMPING to sponsor 1500 students. If we obtain our goal we will sponsor the first 1000 registered and the remaining students will be placed in a pool and randomly selected to receive the remaining money raised. The Summer Book Challenge requirements must be met to receive funds. If we raise more of course we will fund more. IF WE DO NOT REACH OUR GOAL, ALL THE FUNDS WE HAVE RAISED WILL BE DISTRIBUATED ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS ACCORDING TO THE TIME OF RECEIPT OF REGISTRATION E-MAILS. THOSE WHO SENT BOOK REPORTS WHICH MEET ALL THE REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO THE ANNONCEMENT THAT ALL APPLICANTS WERE REQUIRED TO REGISTER WILL BE COMPENSATED FIRST. The goal of the Summer Book Challenge is not only to challenge students through reading but also to encourage them that hard work pays off. Students must be entering grades 3-12 for the 2015-2016 school year. All donations remaining after prizes are disseminated will be used for the Back to School Cookout held at Oakdale Homes in Clarkton NC, where school supplies will be distributed. Depending on the amount of leftover donations, there were also be a Back to School Cookout held in Beulaville, NC. Thank you inadvance for your help to inspire students across America to read.