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Tommy Sidick Medical Fund

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My nephew, Tommy Sidick, a 35 year old single father, was critically injured in a logging accident last week when a tree broke lose and fell on him.   He has suffered a severe head injury, broken neck, back, shoulder, arm, ribs and has a collapsed lung. He remains on a ventilator and in a coma so the total extent of his injuries are still unclear.

He is a single father to Ethan, who is his whole world. They are not only father and son but best friends and do almost everything together. Ethan and the rest of the family have been devastated by this tragic accident and the hope that Tommy will recover are all we can focus on at this point.

His medical bills will be astronomical and he does not have any health coverage. We are asking for any amount of support to help with Tommy’s medical bills and to help the family care for and support Ethan while we work through this tragedy.

Asking for any help is not the usual course of action for this family; however, the amount of tragedy this family has already endured this year far exceeds their ability to cope and handle it on their own at this point.

Any amount, no matter how small will help. Please pass this on to anyone you feel may be able to help.

I will update Tommy’s status as we get new news and hopefully move forward with his recovery. It will be a long road for this family. Thank you for your help and consideration!



  • Greg Baca
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Jason O'Brien
Murrieta, CA

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