Chris Campbell
On his way to work a midnight shift,
Chris has the following experience:
”The officer was off duty, in her patrol car, when I passed her. She proceeded to pull me over later for “failure to maintain lanes”. Which is very true, I didn’t maintain my lanes because I was changing lanes...legally!!! I was then asked to step out of my car, where two additional officers were called and standing by. She the proceeded to search my car, without my permission, while I asked both officers...”why is she searching my car?” With no response from either officer, I was then given a breathalyzer, which my results were a 0.00. After I passed the breathalyzer, I hear a faint “we have to let him go” but they do not. I was then given more fokes test, on uneven pavement, which I pointed out to all 3 officers. They proceeded to give me the test, while on uneven ground, at 1030-11pm, with a Caucasian officer that has a clear agenda and one of the officers had the nerve to ask...”are you nervous?” I was in such a state of emotional anguish and disbelief that it was happening but for that officer to ask me, an African American man, with my hat, earrings and hooded jacket, with my shirt that states, “we are not ok...” in that terrifying scenario in 2020, was beyond insensitive and let me know where this was heading. Needless to say, I was arrested for DUI compound, where I was in police custody for the next 15 plus hours. Even before that, I had my friend, which is a Clayton county police officer (that was on duty) come to the scene to stop my car from being impounded. (lovejoy officer and I had kind of developed a bond but to be honest, I think he felt sorry for me). My friend was able to stop my car from being impounded but I later found out at the jail, that original officer went out of her way to make sure my friend paid the tow truck driver, after my car was never even towed. The lovejoy police officer told me that and said he wouldn’t have done that. In other words, she went out of her way to inconvenience me and had an agenda from the start.”
Chris voluntarily submitted to a blood test, but they are saying the results could take up to 9 months!
The officer that arrested him was fired a few days later after she held her gun to a guy’s head while she was arresting him (while he was secured in handcuffs.)
Chris now has to hire an attorney to fight these charges. On top of that, he is also dealing with fallout from the arrest at work. I’m hoping to help cover these attorney fees so he does not have to pay them for doing nothing but driving to work. Oh and being black.