Help QQ fight T-LBL Cancer
Donation protected
Hello everyone! I am the aunt of a seriously ill child, my niece Zhao Xiao Ran ( her Nick name is QQ), who lives in Fuzhou, China. She is only four years old. She is a beautiful, funny, loving and sensible little girl! Unpredictable things happen in life, and unfortunately, she got ill in February this year. She was diagnosed with T-lymphoblastic lymphoma. Since February, shes been treated in many hospitals, went through many many rounds of intense chemotherapy. But she has not improved much so far. They have spent all their life savings, and borrowed from relatives and friends. They’ve sold their house, and medical expenses are drowning them. Now after expert consultation, CART cell therapy and bone marrow transplant is recommended and more intensive chemo. This treatment plan is really expensive. Costing around 1.2 million CNY ( around 168k USD) Which is an astronomical figure for them at this point! Please reach out and help this poor child get through this and get back to a happy healthy life. Please find it in your heart to help this little girl! Every little bit counts. We thank you so much in advance from the bottom of our heart.
尊敬的广大爱心人士!您们好!我是重病孩子的姨妈, 我的外甥女赵筱冉,生活在中国一个落后的小山村,今年才四岁,是一个天真可爱懂事的小宝贝!天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,今年二月不幸患病,查出患有很严重的,上母细胞淋巴瘤。俗称癌症。自二月份到现在经过多家权威医院治疗,至今没有好转,花费了所有的积蓄,该卖的物品,亲戚朋友该借的都借了,只能杯水车薪,仍然积极筹措医疗费用!孩子不幸患上这样的病,让一个本来就贫穷的农村家庭雪上加霜,天天和病魔作斗争,让一个家庭失去生活的希望,让一个鲜活的小生命,饱受病毒的折磨,让人心寒!现在经过专家会诊,需要做CART细胞移植手术,配合打抗癌针剂,这种治疗方案,需要一百八十万人民币昂贵手术费用,对一个农村家庭,就是天文数字!在如今大好的社会环境下成长的孩子,看着可爱的宝贝,生命进入倒计时,特跪求社会各界爱心朋友,让你们大爱无疆的胸怀!伸出援助之手,帮帮这个可怜的孩子,度过难关,重新回到健康!您的爱心不管多少,就是给孩子一个生的希望!一滴水能扶起一片绿叶,一份爱心能成就一个生命!让您们的爱心传颂世界!在此万分感谢您的爱心付出!感谢!感谢!
尊敬的广大爱心人士!您们好!我是重病孩子的姨妈, 我的外甥女赵筱冉,生活在中国一个落后的小山村,今年才四岁,是一个天真可爱懂事的小宝贝!天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,今年二月不幸患病,查出患有很严重的,上母细胞淋巴瘤。俗称癌症。自二月份到现在经过多家权威医院治疗,至今没有好转,花费了所有的积蓄,该卖的物品,亲戚朋友该借的都借了,只能杯水车薪,仍然积极筹措医疗费用!孩子不幸患上这样的病,让一个本来就贫穷的农村家庭雪上加霜,天天和病魔作斗争,让一个家庭失去生活的希望,让一个鲜活的小生命,饱受病毒的折磨,让人心寒!现在经过专家会诊,需要做CART细胞移植手术,配合打抗癌针剂,这种治疗方案,需要一百八十万人民币昂贵手术费用,对一个农村家庭,就是天文数字!在如今大好的社会环境下成长的孩子,看着可爱的宝贝,生命进入倒计时,特跪求社会各界爱心朋友,让你们大爱无疆的胸怀!伸出援助之手,帮帮这个可怜的孩子,度过难关,重新回到健康!您的爱心不管多少,就是给孩子一个生的希望!一滴水能扶起一片绿叶,一份爱心能成就一个生命!让您们的爱心传颂世界!在此万分感谢您的爱心付出!感谢!感谢!
Fundraising team: Team fundraiser (3)
Elaine Olivia Powell
Philadelphia, PA
Michelle Li
Team member
Rita Lin
Team member