QuaranStream Theatre Festival
Donation protected
The GoFundMe campaign for the first ever QuaranStream Theatre Festival has now closed.
With the support of one hundred donors, we were able to raise $4,110 to support the artists participating in the festival - the writers, performers, directors, designers - artists whose employment opportunities have been severely impacted by COVID-19 shutdowns and stay-at-home orders.
For future updates from the QuaranStream Theatre Festival, follow us on Facebook at fb.me/quaranstreamtheatre
Our Mission
To create opportunities for performers, directors, writers, and other artists put out of work by the COVID-19 crisis.
To make a space for playwrights to explore writing specifically for streaming.
To explore how the limits of social distancing and quarantine can transform theatre into a more accessible and inclusive art form now and in the future.
Who We Are
We are a collection of theatre artists, educators, and producers located mainly in Chicago. Individually, we create and produce experimental, transformative, and community-centered theatre. We have banded together to create this opportunity for our colleagues left jobless, income-less, and with limited freelance options in this crisis and to do what we do best: make theatre. We couldn’t imagine not making theatre under these circumstances, and think there are likely others out there who feel like we do. Some say it’s the artist’s responsibility to innovate, make meaning, and offer connection, provocation, and healing in the time of crisis; we’d agree. We are excited to use this opportunity to explore a new medium for our work and to help push open the door to the emerging world of streaming theatre.
Co-organizers (4)
QuaranStream Theatre
Chicago, IL
Megan Gray
Team member
Tab Mocherman
Team member
Taylor Wisham
Team member