Queen of the Nal- Fungkiigrrl’s first film
Donation protected
Help fungkiigrrl make her first low budget feature film: “Queen of the Nal”
Set in the surreal fungkiiuniivrrse™️ this film is full immersion into afroneoretrosoulglampop™️
With your help this dream can be fully realized and shared for years to come.
Written, directed and starring Fungkiigrrl.
Queen of the Nal-is a chaotic fever dream frenzy filled done in the uniquely distinctive absurdist fungkiigrrl form.
Your donation will help cover the cost of :
camera person( someone who will hold the camera not someone who is half camera or maybe they are half camera we are not discriminating)
costumes (wigs, masks, hats, glasses, dresses, skirts, skorts, ascots, pantsuits etc.)
set design & props
private locations to shoot without interference
post production: editing, sound mixing arranging
distribution: digital and physical release-
live screening events
✨every donor receives credit in film and invitation to live screening(s)✨
Fungkii Grrl
Los Angeles, CA