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Support Taylor's Fight Against Breast Cancer

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Hello! My name is Jason, and I’m starting this GoFundMe on behalf of my good friend Taylor Dahlin.

Those of you who know Taylor (or @taylr as she’s also known online) know she is a kind, funny, and thoughtful person. She’s also a gifted photographer whose photos have been used by multiple community organizations, as well as local and national media outlets. She also donates her time to attend important governmental meetings and report on them for people who are unable to go themselves. Taylor lives in the Loring Park neighborhood and is a regular presence at neighborhood events all over the city. On top of all that, Taylor is an amazing friend to many of us in the Twin Cities community!

Unfortunately, in July, Taylor was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The GOOD news is, it’s a highly treatable form of cancer and it was caught early so Taylor’s oncologist has given her a very good prognosis. We all feel very relieved and lucky that there is such a good outlook for her with the proper treatment!

The BAD news is, because of our country's terrible healthcare system, Taylor’s bills are already adding up. She has already had multiple radiology appointments for scans, specialist visits, and prescription medication charges, and she is facing even more. She may need to purchase specific foods to care for her stomach after intense chemotherapy, a wig if she loses her hair, and transportation for getting to appointments and home. We also don’t know how the chemotherapy will affect her ability to work and pay her everyday bills. She'll have to pay her high deductible this year, and also pay it again in a few months when the new year hits.

As you can imagine, she is incredibly worried about the financial impacts of all this treatment- and that should be the last thing she has to think about while she faces this diagnosis and treatment! We are organizing this GoFundMe to help take away some of the stress by helping her cover these costs and give her some breathing room so she can focus on taking care of herself and beating cancer. All funds raised will go directly to Taylor to help her pay her insurance deductible, costs for treatment, and other needs that arise.

If you’ve ever learned things from Taylor, enjoyed her photography, or been entertained by her Twitter feed, please consider donating to help her out in her time of need. If you’re unable to donate monetarily, please feel free to reach out to see if you can help with meals, transportation, or in other ways. We want Taylor to know she has a big team beyond her and that we’re here to help her get through this scary time.

Thank you so much for reading, and thanks for helping!

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  • Anonym
    • $5
    • 7 d
  • Anonym
    • $5
    • 7 d
  • Mike Viola
    • $100
    • 7 d
  • Chris Henjum
    • $50
    • 11 d
  • Gretchen Olson
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 29 d
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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jason Garcia
Minneapolis, MN
Taylor Dahlin

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt