Book Ministry
Donation protected
Dear friends:
I am once again reaching out for much needed financial support and assistance. It is humbling to have to ask for help. But humility is a good and necessary Christian virtue, so I humble myself to make this request.
Due to physical and psychiatric illnesses, I am unable to be employed. But make no mistake: I do work. And I work very hard each and every day. I strive daily to use the few talents and gifts I have to spread the Gospel of peace, life, and human rights. I endeavor to use the power of the pen to promote authentic social justice and the Orthodox Christian Faith. I have written eight books, two that are currently in print, and I am currently finishing up a new book that I hope will eventually be published.
St. Paul writes: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain; the worker is worthy of his wages.” [I Timothy 5:18] My work is neither more important nor less important than anyone else’s. God does not assess the merits of our labor by the worldly standards of fame or fortune. I have made peace with the fact that I may die broke and “unsuccessful,” a “ne’re-do-well” in society’s eyes. But I will go to my grave with peace and love on my tongue, and with justice and Jesus in my heart.
I pray for the humility to ask for help whenever I need it; and I pray that I would use the help others give me to also help others whenever and however I can.
I am tempted to pray for independence and self-sufficiency. It would be much easier if I never had to rely on anyone else for anything. But I’ve come to realize that self-sufficiency and independence (while great assets in this temporal world) are often impediments to salvation. Thus, I pray that I would never find myself thinking I can truly make it on my own, erroneously believing that I have no need of my brothers and sisters and neighbors.
From time to time I have been accused of being lazy and having a “beggar’s mentality.” So be it. God knows my heart. He knows my intentions and efforts. He knows my sufferings and struggles and pain. Can I do more? Yes. I can always do more. And I pray daily for God to help me be the person He has truly called me to be. So I refute the accusations of laziness, but I embrace the accusations of “begging.” I refuse to die from pride. And so here I am, beseeching your support.
My ultimate goal is to raise $10,000. I need to pay for doctor’s visits to my cardiologist and my psychiatrist. I need money for groceries and medicine. I need to pay off a delinquent traffic ticket (there is currently a bench warrant out for my arrest due to an outstanding fine). I need to get my next two books in print. And yes, perhaps most importantly, I need money to help ease my wife’s financial burden and to alleviate some of the financial stress on our family.
Any help, regardless of how large or small, will be manna from heaven. Please pray for me. And if you can’t contribute financially, please share this Go Fund Me page and please offer me some words of spiritual encouragement. I need all the love, prayers, and support I can get. I covet it all.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God ~ amen ~
+ Gebre Menfes Kidus +
(Reynolds Wood)
I am once again reaching out for much needed financial support and assistance. It is humbling to have to ask for help. But humility is a good and necessary Christian virtue, so I humble myself to make this request.
Due to physical and psychiatric illnesses, I am unable to be employed. But make no mistake: I do work. And I work very hard each and every day. I strive daily to use the few talents and gifts I have to spread the Gospel of peace, life, and human rights. I endeavor to use the power of the pen to promote authentic social justice and the Orthodox Christian Faith. I have written eight books, two that are currently in print, and I am currently finishing up a new book that I hope will eventually be published.
St. Paul writes: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain; the worker is worthy of his wages.” [I Timothy 5:18] My work is neither more important nor less important than anyone else’s. God does not assess the merits of our labor by the worldly standards of fame or fortune. I have made peace with the fact that I may die broke and “unsuccessful,” a “ne’re-do-well” in society’s eyes. But I will go to my grave with peace and love on my tongue, and with justice and Jesus in my heart.
I pray for the humility to ask for help whenever I need it; and I pray that I would use the help others give me to also help others whenever and however I can.
I am tempted to pray for independence and self-sufficiency. It would be much easier if I never had to rely on anyone else for anything. But I’ve come to realize that self-sufficiency and independence (while great assets in this temporal world) are often impediments to salvation. Thus, I pray that I would never find myself thinking I can truly make it on my own, erroneously believing that I have no need of my brothers and sisters and neighbors.
From time to time I have been accused of being lazy and having a “beggar’s mentality.” So be it. God knows my heart. He knows my intentions and efforts. He knows my sufferings and struggles and pain. Can I do more? Yes. I can always do more. And I pray daily for God to help me be the person He has truly called me to be. So I refute the accusations of laziness, but I embrace the accusations of “begging.” I refuse to die from pride. And so here I am, beseeching your support.
My ultimate goal is to raise $10,000. I need to pay for doctor’s visits to my cardiologist and my psychiatrist. I need money for groceries and medicine. I need to pay off a delinquent traffic ticket (there is currently a bench warrant out for my arrest due to an outstanding fine). I need to get my next two books in print. And yes, perhaps most importantly, I need money to help ease my wife’s financial burden and to alleviate some of the financial stress on our family.
Any help, regardless of how large or small, will be manna from heaven. Please pray for me. And if you can’t contribute financially, please share this Go Fund Me page and please offer me some words of spiritual encouragement. I need all the love, prayers, and support I can get. I covet it all.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God ~ amen ~
+ Gebre Menfes Kidus +
(Reynolds Wood)
Gebre Menfes Kidus
Jackson, MS