Rabbits from Rabbit Rescue in Torun need your help.
Donation protected
For the most severe cases
We don't like to describe our patients with the word "case", although such a concept exists in medicine. But there is no denying that there are many, far too many rabbits under our care, which unfortunately can be described in terms of health as very difficult cases that require long, intensive and, unfortunately, expensive treatment.
Only in the last month we adopted several such rabbits. Dazai, Grogu, Ballora, Niunia, Zadziorek, Wiórek, Dzionek.
Yesterday, another 5 rabbits came to us, 2 from the flooded areas that hit the southern part of our country and we could not refuse to help them. Also 3 collected as part of an intervention in a pseudo-breeding farm in Przemęt near Wolsztyn.
The condition of the rabbits near Wolsztyn can be described as tragic. We haven't witnessed such extreme neglect for a long time. Unfortunately, one rabbit could not be helped. We will fight for the lives of the remaining two.
We constantly care for about 100 rabbits, more than half of whom are chronically ill, disabled and unadoptable rabbits.
The monthly cost of treatment, procedures, laboratory tests, vaccinations and castration is PLN 30,000.(7,816 USD) This is the amount we need to have every month to be able to act and help further. And this is assuming that we cooperate with clinics that take into account the fact that we are a foundation and therefore the costs are much lower, for which we are extremely grateful.
It is difficult to refuse help and not be able to take in more rabbits, although sometimes common sense tells us otherwise. Sometimes we also have to say "no", although it always hurts when we are aware of the consequences.
But thanks to the support and help of many people, we can act to the best of our abilities and thus save at least some of the rabbits' lives that have a chance to experience a good life without pain, in the conditions they deserve.
Beata Madela
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA