Rachel Knott Family Support Fund
Hi there - my name is Danielle Alt, daughter of Rachel's fiancé. I am organizing this fundraiser for Rachel's four children, and their caregiver (Rachel's sister, Sara). Sara is lovingly taking on the responsibility of her nieces and nephews on top of raising three of her own children!
As many know, we lost a beautiful soul on Wednesday August 11th, 2021. Rachel passed suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving behind her two daughters, two sons, and many other loved ones. Rachel was just 39 years old, having celebrated her birthday last month.
A lot of our community knows her from working at Northland Area Federal Credit Union, where Rachel always had the biggest smile on her face. She was quick to always light up the room with her positive attitude, and sense of humor.
We are deeply saddened by this loss, and hope you will help contribute to help put away some money for Rachel's children!
All donations will go directly to Sara - so she can save it for the kids.