Rachel Rutter, Project Libertad
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The Elevate Prize Foundation will be matching donations to all of the 2024 Top 5 CNN Heroes up to $50,000 per hero. The names of non-anonymous donors and their donation amounts may be published on air during CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute.
While working as an attorney representing immigrant children, Rachel Rutter saw the severe gap between legal and social services that her young clients faced. There was a lack of basic needs like food, housing, medical care, and mental health support. So, in 2015, Rachel formed her own nonprofit, Project Libertad, to fill those gaps of need, provide free legal representation, and give social, emotional, and academic support to help migrant youth heal from trauma and build new lives. The organization has since helped more than 1,100 individuals, representing more than 90 children in immigration cases.
Check out Rachel Rutter's full story on CNN.com.
Project Libertad