Radio Free Nachlaot's 12th Annual 9 Days of Jerry
Gevaldt, it's Radio Free Nachlaot's 12th Annual 9 Days of Jerry! All Jerry and Jerry-centric programming, 24/6, from August 1 - 9 (excluding Shabbos), Isru Jerry August 10. It's our annual Fundraiser! We only ask you for money once a year, and it is your generous donations during the 9 Days of Jerry which cover our operational costs and keep us streaming the best music 24/6 from Jerusalem (and Berkeley) to our worldwide listening audience! Our modest goal this year of raising $2000 goes to cover our operational costs for Undisclosed Studio B in Jerusalem and Undisclosed Mobile Studio A, currently in Berkeley. Please throw some change into our virtual guitar case and keep us going another year - we depend on you!
Listen to the 9 Days of Jerry on Radio Free Nachlaot
Gratefully Yours,
Steve Levine and Lorelai Kude, Co-Founders
Radio Free Nachlaot