Ayudemos a la Familia Sornes
Donation protected
Hola a todos, en nombre de los Sornes Guanipa abrimos esto GoFundme ya que nuestros papas y abuela se contagiaron de COVID.
Actualmenta Rafael Antonio (nuestro papa) se encuentra en terapia intensiva y avanzando a pasitos pero en estado critico.
Yari (la abuela), sigue en observacion puesto que es oxigeno dependiente. Sigue en tratamiento contra el COVID.
Nidia (nuestra mama) sigue con el cuadro de COVID pero saturando poco a poco mejor sin oxigeno.
El cuadro de cada uno es diferente y siguen todos en estado critico, la verdad es que el estado cambia diariamente pero hoy esta es la situacion.
Como es de publico conocimiento, los gastos en Venezuela son muy elevados, por esta razon acudimos a nuestros familiares, amigos y conocidos para pedirles ayuda, bien sea economica, compartiendo esta campaña o incluyendo a nuestros padres y a abuela en sus oraciones.
En los proximos dias estaremos cargando las facturas tanto de los medicamentos para los 3, como de la terapia intensiva de nuestro papa.
Si requieren mayor informacion nos puedes escribir o llamar al +54 9 11 21825996.
Les damos las gracias por tantas muestras de cariños que hemos recibido y por la ayuda que nos puedan brindar.
att. Hermanos Sornes Guanipa
On behalf of the Sornes Guanipa family we thank you for taking the time to read though this. We have opened a “GoFundme” account to pay for the COVID treatment of our two Parents and our Grandmother.
Our Father (Rafael Antonio) is currently in an ICU and is in critical conditions.
Our Grandmother (Yari) is under Medical observation with assisted Oxygen and undergoing COVID treatment.
Our Mother (Nidia) still has severe COVID symptoms but the Doctors believe she is slowly limping along & improving though not currently on Oxygen.
Each one is in severe critical conditions that change day to day, but as of today, it is as we have explained above.
As you all know or might imagine, Treatments and Hospital fees are very expensive in Venezuela, for this reason we humbly have requested our family, friends and anybody willing to help with this campaign be it either in the form of a pledge and contribution or prayers for our Parents and Grandmother.
In the next couple of days, we will be uploading the bills and invoices regarding Medications, Treatments and others information regarding all three (3) of them as well as the ICU invoices regarding our Father.
For additional information, we can be reached at +54 9 11 21825996.
We appreciate all the caring words and blessings we have received and for your continued help and support.
Thank you kindly,
Sornes Guanipa Family
Actualmenta Rafael Antonio (nuestro papa) se encuentra en terapia intensiva y avanzando a pasitos pero en estado critico.
Yari (la abuela), sigue en observacion puesto que es oxigeno dependiente. Sigue en tratamiento contra el COVID.
Nidia (nuestra mama) sigue con el cuadro de COVID pero saturando poco a poco mejor sin oxigeno.
El cuadro de cada uno es diferente y siguen todos en estado critico, la verdad es que el estado cambia diariamente pero hoy esta es la situacion.
Como es de publico conocimiento, los gastos en Venezuela son muy elevados, por esta razon acudimos a nuestros familiares, amigos y conocidos para pedirles ayuda, bien sea economica, compartiendo esta campaña o incluyendo a nuestros padres y a abuela en sus oraciones.
En los proximos dias estaremos cargando las facturas tanto de los medicamentos para los 3, como de la terapia intensiva de nuestro papa.
Si requieren mayor informacion nos puedes escribir o llamar al +54 9 11 21825996.
Les damos las gracias por tantas muestras de cariños que hemos recibido y por la ayuda que nos puedan brindar.
att. Hermanos Sornes Guanipa
On behalf of the Sornes Guanipa family we thank you for taking the time to read though this. We have opened a “GoFundme” account to pay for the COVID treatment of our two Parents and our Grandmother.
Our Father (Rafael Antonio) is currently in an ICU and is in critical conditions.
Our Grandmother (Yari) is under Medical observation with assisted Oxygen and undergoing COVID treatment.
Our Mother (Nidia) still has severe COVID symptoms but the Doctors believe she is slowly limping along & improving though not currently on Oxygen.
Each one is in severe critical conditions that change day to day, but as of today, it is as we have explained above.
As you all know or might imagine, Treatments and Hospital fees are very expensive in Venezuela, for this reason we humbly have requested our family, friends and anybody willing to help with this campaign be it either in the form of a pledge and contribution or prayers for our Parents and Grandmother.
In the next couple of days, we will be uploading the bills and invoices regarding Medications, Treatments and others information regarding all three (3) of them as well as the ICU invoices regarding our Father.
For additional information, we can be reached at +54 9 11 21825996.
We appreciate all the caring words and blessings we have received and for your continued help and support.
Thank you kindly,
Sornes Guanipa Family
Organizer and beneficiary
Vanessa Sornes
Fort Lauderdale, FL