Rainbow Crystal Land Magic Hat
This is a call to all the beings out there who wish to see a place where we can be our true self again.
A home!
We are presenting you to the Rainbow Crystal Land Colombia.
# (Also check out the quick facts at the end and the updates!) #
This is a documentary about our community made by a visiting Brother from Belgium (Turn on Subtitles with the CC Button on the lower right)
This is a Video from 2016
If you cant see the Video click here
We started from just a beautiful vision
the Rainbow Crystal Land Handbook <<< really good read
"It is not crazy to think you can change the world,
its insane not try"
and now we can share what it has become.
We are now a lasting tribe of united humans living in the endless mountains of the andes. We thrive beyond just organic agriculture, integrating all the petals of the permaculture flower into our community. Bees, mushrooms, plants, worms and humans forming a synergistic ecosystem that sustains life in a harmonic way. And now the time is finally ready to reach out and let you all know what is going on here.
We have 8 permanent constructions on the land, this includes three solid houses and three huts that are all inhabited. The main house has four rooms and is for permanents who are currently building their own house or potential permanents. If rooms are free they are offered to visitors. We have a 7 meter wide geodesic dome to create different microclimates to adapt plants to ours. We have a remote hut and temazcal (sweat lodge) down at the river for retreats and ceremonies. And next we will work on movable jurts for gatherings and adaptable living space.
7. Unity: We want to bring the family together beyond temporary gatherings. Give them a space not just for workshops but for building their homes and experiencing full plant life cycles so they are not dependent on money anymore.
6. Our seed bank is already a tremendous collection of pure plant wisdom. But there can distribute them free of charge among the locals so everyone has access to organic produce.
5. We need this to go far, so humanity knows that there is not only a vision but already a manifestasion in which they can participate. An inspiration for discussions about between all of us how we will continue together on this planet. And example of an solution that some are living ahead.
4. We need to build more spaces of love to welcome the ever-growing stream of wanders, healers and struggling families.
So they can rest and develop the full potential of their individual gifts and talents they have been given. Give birth to the next generation that can finally grow up from the beginning as free spirits.
3. We need dedicated supporters to continue and even expand this already spinning momentum to the next level. Building holistic schools and health centers, filling them with motivated and caring beings /energies.
Growing vast food forest that provides a self sustaining way of unlimited organic nutrition. Energy, communication, many ingredient to foculize, your imagination is the limit.
2. Water is (the) key! It is essential for all forms of life.
We are sitting on one of the worlds greatest water reserves and we already tapped into it. But we are growing now beyond our reach and capacity of our established water system. To grow more trees we need to be able to care for them during their infancy.
1. And last but not least. The earth itself allows the roots of our vision expand beyond what already has been accomplished. Liberating the land around us so more families can settle down. And they will have it already easier then us because we can prepare the land ahead with fruit trees, infrastructure and the experience we collected in the past years.
This is the main reason for this crowdfunding. Property prices grew tremendously here because foreign companies and investors are buying land because of its rich resources. And the price keeps on rising so we need to act now. This is how the land situation looks at the moment.
We are already putting all our resources in adding the land with our precious water source into our care. The ownership will go to a collective association formed by all of us with the rainbow crystal Land vision as its manifesto. In this process we want liberate as much additional land as possible, and there is a lot around us. The mountain range in front of us still protects us for airborne contamination of GMO-crop that is increasing Worldwide. It also provides the magical gathering place where we held the last rainbows here. Even though the land prices rose rapidly, this land I still undervalued because it used to be too cold here in the last decades for comercial use. This has changed and investors catching up on this.
We are lucky enough that we do not need money anymore to sustain the family that is here already. But we can do way more than that.
So now it's on you, we will continue giving everything in any case. But if this
inspires you
Gives you a happy sensation
If you trust us
Please contribute whatever you can spare to for a new world where our hopes finally come true.
And what do you get out of this besides the good feeling of helping? A home! Whenever you need or want to leave, you will always have a beautiful place to go to.
Welcome home!
For Comments or Questions you can join the
Facebook group or e-Mail us !
Can you give more quick facts?
* We have a seed bank with 1000+ different organic species (constantly growing through the loving support from amazing seed companies)
* Our bee hives have been populated and already pollinizing our plants with their inteligence
* We inaculated oak trunks with Shiitake, Maitake and Reishi mycelium and our earth with endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi.
* We increased the population of local worms to enrich the earth.
* We have two pools with more then 600 liters / 160 gallons that grow our own spirulina. We can harvest about a one kilogramm / 2 pounds a day.
* We have a very rich soil without a single stone in it. The pH level is a bit low because of the imported grass culture by the colonization, but we already applying a natural method to slowly stabilize it again. Under it there is pure clay that is perfect for earth buildings. The first ones are already in use.
* Our Water from the spring has a pH level of 7.04
* We are in a sub-tropical climate where the average temperature doesnt change by more then one degree over the year. That allows us to start a new growing season almost every month
* We are applying combined wisdom from Ayurveda, Indiginoues tribes, Permaculture as defined by Bill Mollison and Anastasia.
What happens if you dont reach the goal here?
We will put as much precioud land as possible into our careful guardianship, Through our own savings, donations, goverment reforestation programms. The goal here is just a number, but the value of our earth is infinite.
Whats in it for me?
A Home! we already have ours here. We doing this for you! We don't want to do this without you. Even if you might never come, this movement sparked already so many beautiful moments. This one could maybe inspire on day your future. We are just one of the first ones, with many to come.
What do the native tribes think about you?
Recently we helped them to with a big reunion between tribes from Mexico till Chile.
Now they accepted us as a own tribe. They come to our land particpating in talking circles and teaching us their prinicpals that worked for them since ages.
How do I know that my contribution will carry fruits or get lost?
All the success we already accomplished without finacial help speaks for us. And now with all the gathered experience we are ready to make an even bigger impact if we get the right resources.
Are there other Rainbow Crystal Lands?
Yes, for example check out RCL Costa Rica
Is there another way to donate besides with a Credit Card / GoFundMe?
If you would like to donate with another method we can
also receive
* European IBAN transactions
* PayPal
* BitCoins
* Western Union
Or maybe your own creative way you want to send us your support
We are all one!
With Love from the Family in Colombia