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Raise Awareness: Remembering Aurora Fernandez

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In Loving Memory of Aurora Fernandez - A Life Taken Too Soon

We are heartbroken to share the tragic news of the loss of 2-year-old Aurora Fernandez, who passed away due to a fentanyl overdose, a consequence of her mother's struggles with addiction. Aurora brought joy and light to everyone around her, and her untimely death has left a profound void in the hearts of her family and friends.

This campaign aims to honor Aurora’s memory while raising awareness about the devastating impact of fentanyl and the importance of addressing substance abuse. Our goal is to provide support for her family during this unimaginably difficult time and to promote education around the dangers of fentanyl, which is affecting countless families across our communities.

How Your Donations Will Help:

1. Memorial Services: Contributions will help cover the costs of a proper memorial service to celebrate Aurora's life and provide her family with the closure they deserve.

2. Family Support: Funds will assist Aurora's family in managing immediate expenses and providing them with the necessary support as they navigate this painful journey.

3. Awareness and Education: A portion of the donations will be allocated to local initiatives aimed at educating the community about the dangers of fentanyl and supporting families affected by addiction.

Join Us in Making a Difference:

Every donation, no matter the size, will make a significant impact. Your support will not only honor Aurora’s memory but also help raise awareness about a pressing issue that affects many families. Together, we can work towards preventing further tragedies and providing support to those in need.

Thank you for your kindness and support during this difficult time. Let us come together to remember Aurora and advocate for a future where no child has to suffer the consequences of addiction.
thank you for reading our story

Spendenteam (2)

Dominique Hodges
Portland, OR
Alasey Hodges
Team member

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