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Medical and Travel Expenses

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We have received multiple messages from many people and our fellow cheer community wanting to know how to help with the day to day and medical expenses while they have London and Saylor at Cincinnati Children's Hospital which is 2 1/2 hours away from where they live. We have created this as a way to help and all donations will be split between the 2 families. Below is what has happened and an update from the families.

The girls and their moms were traveling back from their cheer competition in Cincinnati, Ohio when they were stopped at a red light. The car coming up behind them didn’t see they were stopped and slammed into them going 60 mph.

Jocelyn and Holley was knocked unconscious and don’t remember anything. They don’t even remember being at a red light.

Saylor was unconscious. Jocelyn pulled her out and she was limp and not responding. London had to be cut out of the backseat. They were taken to a local hospital that was an 1 hour and half away from home. When they got there, the girls were sent to Cincinnati Children's hospital while their moms remained at the other hospital.

Saylor: Laceration on her cheek, Broken occipital bones, shattered sinus cavities, fractured upper pallet in her mouth, broken jaw, fractured skull, bruised lungs, and she's in PICU at Cincinnati children's.

Jocelyn: Was released with a broken foot, 2 broken ribs, sprain and inflamed tailbone, a concussion, and severe whiplash.

Holley: Was released with contusions, sprain and inflamed hip, a concussion, and severe whiplash.

London: has a broken femur and undergone surgery today. She had a rod placed in her leg and screws in her knee. The rod placed inside her leg will remain there for about 6 months and she will have to undergo another surgery. She is non weight-bearing on her leg during those 6 months. She received a severe laceration on her back and bruised bladder. They are waiting results from her CT scan on her abdomen and pelvic area.

These two girls aren't just teammates they're best friends. Cheering each other on not just on the mat but beside each other every day
Both of the girls are looking at a difficult, long recovery.

The families are blown away by your prayers, love, and support.

Update 03-14-2023:

London had surgery on her femur on Monday and has a rod, screws and a plate in her leg that will remain there for at least 6 months. She had some kind of metal shoved in her back. They removed that and she received stamples. Today she had another MRI and the piece that went through her back dislocated her right hip and there's tissue lodged in her hip cavity wall. She will have surgery on her hip Thursday.

Saylor was released from PICU by her Neuro-specialist due to her amazing progress!!!!
The plastic surgeon said that the team has decided to go ahead with her surgery tomorrow 03/15/23, which ends up being a few days earlier than expected. They are going to wire her jaw together in order for it to heal properly and go back to normal function. They will be adding a temporary feeding tube into her nasal cavity down into her stomach. Her team of surgeons believe that a feeding tube will be the best way to maximize her intake of nutrition for at least the first 2 weeks after surgery.

Update 03-15-2023:

Saylor went into surgery about 9 am, came out of surgery about 12:15. Everything went as planned! They set her jaw back in place, and rubberbanded the brackets together (sort of like braces). They do this in case of extreme emergency so we can cut the rubber bands if necessary. She will need to carry scissors with her at all times. They are confident all other breaks in her body will be able to heal on their own without any more surgery
She will have A LOT more swelling and A LOT more bruising than she even has now, but we are on the road to recovery and I am so grateful We will be staying in Cincinnati until the surgeon releases her from his care, wether that takes a couple weeks or a month. For now we praise God and celebrate the win of today

London had to have 2 blood transfusions today, she is getting ready to start her last one. They will last for around 5 hours total. She is losing blood from what’s expected to be the surgery but they are still searching internally. Her left hand has some broken fingers and the have her hand/arm wrapped. She got fitted for a hip brace which caused her a lot of pain. She will have hip surgery tomorrow but we don’t know the time yet. This surgery will be around 5-7 hours total they are expecting. We need your prayers please. This is just another hurdle.
We appreciate everything from everyone! Thank you!

Update 03-16-23

London went to the OR surgeon said she did great. They put anchors in her hip and said her pelvic bones were fractured also and her sciatica nerve was very damaged. They are monitoring blood loss as well. The surgeon sat and cried with Holley and said “I don’t know how she is still here but I’m so glad she is”…Londy has been agitated due to everything her body has been thru today especially. They are keeping her comfortable or trying to. She has a pain pump and can push it every 7mins so that is extra helpful. She is in a full brace from her pelvis to her underarm and can’t really move and that has her aggravated.

Lots have asked about our time here. We will most likely be here for another week or two depending on her progress. They have mentioned a rehab unit here for her to go to once she heals a little more. I won’t know tho until closer to that time. Basically it all depends on her healing.

Just know we appreciate everything and love you all!

Today was a good day She was busy healing, resting, doing therapies, walking, receiving gifts. She got to FaceTime her whole class at school as well

We are overwhelmed with the love and support. I can’t even begin to know how to say Thank You

update 03-17-23:

London had a rough night sleeping with the combination of being uncomfortable, kid screaming next door, being anxious and worried, and pain. They’ve started Ativan with Valium and may turn her pain pump up depending on how she responds to this change. She’s resting good right now. They took the hard hip brace off because it was just so uncomfortable for her. They replaced it with the sponge brace that holds her body in one position. She has ice packs pretty much all over her body right now. They are saying the Tibula is broken also. Trying to find a plan for that...we will know more tonight.

Saylor took a walk to the gym to meet up with PT to do some therapy in the gym. She is putting in the work and getting her much needed rest to heal. The feeding tube is providing her with the nutrients she needs. She is in great spirits.

We are overjoyed with the love and support from everyone! Please continue to pray for London and Saylor

Update 03-18-23:
London was running a fever of 103 and hallucinating last night. They paged the team to come in. 10am- fever is gone. All testing came Back stable. Urine just came back and showed high ketones but they said it’s nothing for us to worry about right now. They said the hallucinations could be from all the meds. No pneumonia in the lungs! PTL! They’ve literally checked everything and so far everything is normal. The team of Drs are letting her rest this AM since she’s been up all night. Update for today 4pm: they made her get up and she is not happy. BUT we got to get out of her room and and go downstairs. We are enjoying the sunshine at least. Update 10:30pm- she rested all eve after her adventure out in the wheel chair. She just woke up and asked to write in her prayer box. She’s running a fever again tonight. They are thinking it’s coming from the drain tube in her hip. Prayer for tonight: the fever goes down, she rests comfortably.
Thank you ALL! For everything!


Saylor is back to her witty self….y’all should read the things she’s writing on her board Her and London are having a good ol time today ☀️

Update 03-19-23:

Today is just bad. Please pray now. She has screamed and fought all day. Nothing is touching her pain. Finally after a day of pure you know what Londy is resting comfortably. They had to increase her meds again. Today they took her hip drain out. Praying for a better day tomorrow. Thank you friends

She is walking, she is off all pain meds except Tylenol, she is off all monitors and ivs, her brain is sharp, her vision is as good as new, her personality is shining through, she even made a tik tok with London yesterday Our only hurdles at this point are:

1. allowing all the fractures in her body and face/head to heal and her brain to continue recovering, so lots of rest!!!!

2. She is weary of trying to go on a liquid diet and is content with the feeding tube, which is fine for now, but eventually we want her taking in calories on her own. She has been drinking water with a special squeeze tube so that’s definitely good.

Today, 1 week later, I am grateful. I am blessed. I am at peace. I am overwhelmed with love and support.

I don’t even know how to thank everyone. But just know every text, message, post, gift, prayer, donation has not gone unnoticed. You guys have carried us through this
The progress in one week is mind blowing to me.
#LondyLouAndSaylorToo #SaylorStrong

03-20-23 update:
London has been up all night again. Her main IV Line started to leak so they had to take it out and redo it. She was not happy and told them how she felt about it. She’s not been the sweetest lately but I can’t really blame her! The team made their rounds this morning and I asked when they thought we could go home. Basically there is no idea of when. Just day by day of trying to heal.Just pray. For it all. Just pray! Evening update: today has been MUCH better as far as rest goes. London has slept pretty much all day which means she’s HEALING!

She and Saylor received lots of gifts today and they opened them all tonight! They LOVED opening and seeing all the goodies! London actually giggled.

8 days post-accident…

Trauma team came and evaluated her at 6 am by 7 am I was told this….They are taking all of the ivs out of Saylor today.She is now only on Tylenol and Formula.They are discharging her to the RMH house tomorrow 03-21-23. Follow up appts over the next 2 weeks….lots of PT, OT, ST, weight checks and smiles/laughs with the trauma team we have come to love
The bands come off the brackets in her mouth next Wednesday the 29th!!! At that point the NG tube will be removed and she will be on a 100% soft food diet! Goal date for coming home is April 8! Removal of jaw brackets TBA, sometime the end of April!

#LondyLouAndSaylorToo #SaylorStrong



  • Anonymous
    • $10
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    • $100
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  • Anonymous
    • $25
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  • Antonio Lomba
    • $50
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  • The Gcogic Pastor Brydie
    • $100
    • 2 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Kayleen Gardner
Huntington, WV
Lauren Wynn

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