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Raising for car deductible to repair my vehicle.

Doação protegida
Hello everyone! Family, friends, and strangers - I'm creating this gofundme humbly asking for any support that's available to help me cover an insurance deductible to repair my car, so I can continue working and taking my son to daycare. May 5th, 2023 I was involved in a hit and run where another driver cut me off and kept on driving... Unfortunately, I suffered a minor concussion and I was 12 weeks pregnant at the time (I am currently 16 weeks now) - I hate to ask for help, but I've been prioritizing saving money and moving homes for this new baby right now. At this point, my car is drivable but severe interior damage is wearing on the engine. I went to the hospital the same day, can provide a police report, and pictures of the damages as well as my insurance cost statements for proof. I really appreciate any support that's given it would truly mean so much to me. Thank you for reading this!


Cyan Randle
Philadelphia, PA

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