Raising for Darlene’s medical bills
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Hello my name is Jennifer Daley. I decided to create this account for my sweet mother Darlene Stuart. As a lot of you may already know my mother has been dealing with some health issues for quite some time. Five years ago she was diagnosed with pancreatitis. Over the years it has progressed and became intolerable. After many doctor and er visits we have yet to get a better diagnosis or treatment plan to get her better! She finally saw a GI specialist. He wants her to have several tests done. He ordered a colonoscopy, EGD, ultrasound and a ERCP. Unfortunately she has no health insurance which has been the problem all along. She will be eligible for Medicare in three months on her bday. She explained this to the doctor and he said she can’t wait three months. He told her to get a loan or something to pay for the test. The reason for the doctors urgency is he is concerned that it MIGHT be pancreatic cancer. So here we are… she is going through UTMB and she was approved for a thousand dollars through an UTMB program. Unfortunately that isn’t near enough. When she made the appointment which is on Sept 27th she asked them how much these test were gonna be for self pay and they had no answer. I googled it and it was over ten thousand dollars. I pray that I’m wrong. I I know they give cash pay discounts. I’m just trying to raise what I can so she has something to barter with. They told her she would need to call a week before her appointment to be able to get an exact price. It is crucial that she get these test done and done quickly. My momma has been dealing with this pain for far too long with no answers and no relief. If any of you could possibly help at all we would greatly appreciate it. If not we understand just still please keep her in your prayers. Thank you for your time and god bless!
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Jennifer Daley
Alvin, TX
Darlene Stuart