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Raising funds for Himley Cricket Club following a break in

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Hi my name is Jo and I’m a parent/coach at Himley Cricket club. Unfortunately over the weekend the clubs onsite storage was savagely broken into damaging all of the doors and taking expensive equipment including the sit on roller. Which is just vital to the grounds men being able to prepare the outfields. The club is widely accessed by the local community and beyond. The club is now looking at huge expenses to try and repair and replace all that was damaged and stolen. The club which is used by approx 150 juniors,50 senior plays and over 25 women and girls. Hoping that we can all pull together and try to raise as much as possible. Also hoping to try and upgrade security at the club to try and avoid this happening again. Please donate and share and let’s make sure that the few do not spoil it for the many. Thank you for reading.
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Joanne Buckley

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