Raising funds for Princess Freya
April 5th 2021 marks 7 years since Freya was diagnosed with mixed
profile ganglioneuroma neuroblastoma. A rare form of childhood
Due to unsuccessful debulking of the tumour Freya was left paralysed
from the waist down and we were given the awful news thar Freya would never walk. We were heartbroken.
However, she was the 1st patient in Ireland to undergo a pioneering cryoablation procedure in November 2018 which was successful in debulking the tumour a little.
There's plans to do more, but each intervention triggers an episode of reduced mobility that she has to work at to reclaim.
With the unbelievable support so far, we have continued to be able to bring Freya for neuro movement therapy.
Over the past 5 years Freya has recovered some of her nerve function
and managed to stand and walk aided by devices.
This therapy is based on the Feldenkrais method and we have seen great improvements in Freya's standing, unaided walking and general ability
to be able to get around by herself.It's important given the latest interventions planned that we continue to use this approach.
As previously stated ,this therapy is not recognised as yet by the HSE & CRC which means we as a family must raise the money by ourselves.
Most of the skilled practitioners are located outside of Ireland requiring us to travel to either Germany or the
Please help us give Freya every opportunity to restore what was lost !