Brain injury survivor Liam Hamilton running 10k for Headway
In February 2022, I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) at 19 years old while working as an apprentice electrician on a building site in Bury St Edmunds.
I was resuscitated at the scene and taken to Addenbrooks Hospital where I was placed in an induced coma for 4 days. I then had to stay in hospital for 3 more weeks before being discharged to a completely 'new normal' at home.
After suffering a fractured skull, bleed on the brain, many facial and rib fractures, and now having a metal plate as a substitute for having nearly half my skull removed in surgery, I am now at the point in my recovery where I feel confident enough to attempt a 10 kilometre race in October at Regent's Park, London.
My recovery journey is still ongoing, it has been and still is a mental and physical battle everyday. Understanding and accepting myself after my brain injury has been hard, but the information Headway provides has made it that little bit easier for me to be able to accept and try to move forward with my new, re-written life.
I want to raise as much money as I can for Headway UK as they have provided both me and my family with vital information and advice to help all of us understand who I am now, as dealing with the aftermath of a TBI has been a life-changing experience for everyone involved.
I hope people will be inspired by my recovery and resilience, and will hopefully help me raise money and awareness for Headway UK and Brain Injuries.
https://www.suffolknews.co.uk/bury-st-edmunds/news/amp/the-first-thing-i-remember-was-waking-up-in-hospital-appr-9367005/ - Recent News article

In hospital after injury

In hospital with Mum

In hospital with Sister

Start of training with my PT, Rob Horslen

More intense training

Looking forward to the attempting the 10k and raising money

On holiday with girlfriend, Izzy, on the 2 year anniversary of the injury earlier this year

Liam Hamilton
Headway - the brain injury association