Raising Money For Women in Afghanistan
Even if the threats to women in Afghanistan don't directly affect your life, consider your sisters, mothers, cousins, wives, or girlfriends. Imagine the devastation and fear they would experience if a group of people gained power that fought directly and violently against their rights. A group they knew was about to take their future, education, and freedom away from them. The people you are donating for are just like those closest to you, except that horrible eventuality is coming to pass.
Find empathy for a group of people who are less fortunate than yourself, and if you cannot find empathy, find sympathy for a life that you cannot imagine living, because only through those two things will the world heal.
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Women for Women International, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Women for Women International: In countries affected by conflict and war, Women for Women International supports the most marginalized women to earn and save money, improve health and well-being, influence decisions in their home and community, and connect to networks for support. By utilizing skills, knowledge, and resources, she is able to create sustainable change for herself, her family, and community. Since 1993, Women for Women International has helped more than 462,000 marginalized women in countries affected by war and conflict, such as how Afghanistan is being affected now.