Raising reward money to catch deer shooter.
We are organizing our efforts locally (East Lake area) where deer have been found walking around after being shot with arrows/bolts.
This specific GoFundMe is to raise money to give a reward to the person/people who gives information leading to an arrest of the shooter.
If the reward money is not distributed by Sept 30th, all monies received as reward money will go to the Raptor Center of Tampa Bay inc. for the care of local wildlife including but not limited to our local deer/fawns.
(You can make a difference by donating today to Raptor Center of Tampa Bay inc.
We are the only bird of prey rescue within 100 miles of Tampa, Florida. Our organization's goal is to establish the first bird of prey rehabilitation center in the Tampa Bay area, easily accessible, to serve injured, sick, and orphaned birds. We rescue all wildlife from baby squirrels to bald eagles.)