Let's Honor George Washington
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This past year we have seen the unthinkable for a patriot - the image of George Washington - the Father of our Country, defaced and torn down!

As patriots, let's turn this disgrace around and raise up an inspiring bronze relief of George Washington praying for his beloved country. Let's keep him "first in the hearts of his countrymen!"

Join with a thousand other patriots in committing $100 each to jointly create a life-size bronze relief of George Washington praying at Valley Forge as he did during the despairing winter of 1777.
A west coast replica of George Washington's beloved Mount Vernon, home of the nonprofit George Washington Society where thousands come to visit the Olympic National Park, would be the perfect setting for this bronze relief.

For the bicentennial celebration of the United States in 1976, Arnold Friberg painted an iconic portrait of George Washington praying in the snow at Valley Forge. It has been reproduced more than any other painting of George Washington praying for his country.
Listen to the renowned artist, Arnold Friberg, tell the story behind his inspiring painting, Prayer at Valley Forge.
Video 1: https://youtu.be/oxIld5l1qDo
Video 2: https://youtu.be/Sty-zYueXjA
As president of the George Washington Society, I endorse raising funds to create a life-size bronze replica of George Washington praying in the snow at Valley Forge.
George Washington Society's sole objective is to carry passionately the torch of our founding fathers' faith that drove George Washington to sacrifice "for God and Country." The society seeks to cultivate an appreciation for our nation's early history and Christian heritage for the benefit of future generations. We affirm the importance of working together to keep this fire burning brightly for future generations. Our events promote and educate an accurate understanding of early American history. The annual Northwest Colonial Festival is sponsored by the society.
Replicas of the two gatehouses at Mount Vernon's visitors' entrance (known as the Texas Gate) are currently under construction at "Mount Vernon West" - home of the George Washington Society and the Northwest Colonial Festival. Once funds are raised and the bronze relief is commissioned, plans are to have it mounted on one of these brick gatehouses.

As patriots, let's turn this disgrace around and raise up an inspiring bronze relief of George Washington praying for his beloved country. Let's keep him "first in the hearts of his countrymen!"

Join with a thousand other patriots in committing $100 each to jointly create a life-size bronze relief of George Washington praying at Valley Forge as he did during the despairing winter of 1777.
A west coast replica of George Washington's beloved Mount Vernon, home of the nonprofit George Washington Society where thousands come to visit the Olympic National Park, would be the perfect setting for this bronze relief.

For the bicentennial celebration of the United States in 1976, Arnold Friberg painted an iconic portrait of George Washington praying in the snow at Valley Forge. It has been reproduced more than any other painting of George Washington praying for his country.
Listen to the renowned artist, Arnold Friberg, tell the story behind his inspiring painting, Prayer at Valley Forge.
Video 1: https://youtu.be/oxIld5l1qDo
Video 2: https://youtu.be/Sty-zYueXjA
As president of the George Washington Society, I endorse raising funds to create a life-size bronze replica of George Washington praying in the snow at Valley Forge.
George Washington Society's sole objective is to carry passionately the torch of our founding fathers' faith that drove George Washington to sacrifice "for God and Country." The society seeks to cultivate an appreciation for our nation's early history and Christian heritage for the benefit of future generations. We affirm the importance of working together to keep this fire burning brightly for future generations. Our events promote and educate an accurate understanding of early American history. The annual Northwest Colonial Festival is sponsored by the society.
Replicas of the two gatehouses at Mount Vernon's visitors' entrance (known as the Texas Gate) are currently under construction at "Mount Vernon West" - home of the George Washington Society and the Northwest Colonial Festival. Once funds are raised and the bronze relief is commissioned, plans are to have it mounted on one of these brick gatehouses.
Donate $100 and join with other patriots in raising up George Washington to his rightful place of honor. A thousand patriots, just like Gideon's small army in the Bible, can make the difference between defeat and victory. Let's rally together and hold the line as patriotic countrymen. We have a republic to keep!
Dan Abbott
Sequim, WA
George Washington Society