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Rally around the Rackley's

Donativo protegido

Today the Rackley family lost their sweet mom, Mem, and youngest son, Jase, in a shooting. Myles, Dustin and Mem's middle son, was also shot but has survived. He was life flighted to a hospital where he had surgery due to the gun shot wounds. As a community we are devastated by this terrible incidence. No one ever expects to have to bury their young mother and son. Please donate what you can to help cover the funeral costs for Mem and Jase as well as medical expenses for Myles. Dustin is self employed and Mem was unemployed so anything will help greatly.  Thank you!!!


  • Amber Smith
    • $25
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Allie Lloyd Terry
Sandy City, UT
Dustin Rackley

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