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Rally for Haley: Aid for a Family in Grief

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On Thursday, August 15th, 2024, beloved husband and father, Carl Blevins, passed away. This was extremely unexpected and the cause of death has not yet been determined.

His 3 daughters are on the autism spectrum and don't fully understand what is happening.

Haley has been the primary caretaker for her family for many years. She balances full-time parenting, full-time college, working, and being a homemaker. In addition to all of these tasks, she also had a passion and love for animals. Haley fosters animals, gets them vetted, and helps find them a forever home. She is always donating to help wherever she can. Anyone that knows Haley knows she would give the shirt off her back to help out someone in need.

Carl served 5 tours in combat in the military for our country.
Unfortunately, the VA is taking back the benefits already paid for the month of August. This will cause Haley to be left with a negative bank account with expenses still needing to be taken care of. No life insurance will be paid out until they receive a death certificate. The death certificate cannot be mailed out until the autopsy is performed and finalized. From what Haley was told, it can take 1-2 weeks to even carry out the autopsy plus another 1-2 weeks minimum to receive the certificate. Then she still has to wait for the insurance to be processed which will likely take another 2-4 weeks. Sadly, bills still have to be paid, the family still needs to eat, and the girls still need clothing and necessities.

Haley is supposed to start nursing school back soon. She currently has no one to watch her children on the days she has class and clinicals. She will need to be able to find someone who is reliable to take care of three children with disabilities and help with the animals she has rescued. She feels like the weight of the world is stacked against her.

We are creating this GoFundMe in hopes to help provide some financial relief as they try to adapt to a life without their husband and father. Grief is hard enough without added stress.

If you can, donations are greatly appreciated! If you cannot donate, we ask that you share this post, say some prayers, and or volunteer time to help Haley and the children adapt.

Please join us in rallying around Haley to show love and support for her family at this time.


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 6 d
  • Joann Blosser
    • $100
    • 20 d
  • Anonym
    • $500
    • 20 d
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 21 d
  • Brooke Florey
    • $50
    • 25 d

Spendenteam (5)

Karissa Burdine
Lindale, TX
Haley Blevins
Amy Leroy
Team member
Laura Tucker
Team member
Veronica Arellano
Team member

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