Rally for Kit Summers A Fresh Start on the Road
Donation protected
My friend, Steve Harrison, sent these words >>
"Kit, sorry to hear about your van.
Why don’t you ask for donations?
I will be happy to donate."
It's terrific to get Steve's words.
Yes i need help; money is not there to get things back to comfort. My mind is reeling with this latest change. Changes started with my accident and 37-days coma, to that second time I was hit by a truck. My latest- Beth and I were married (I thought happily) for two years, and then she wanted me out of the house. Just a week, After i was in another accident, and the cops said it was my fault. The van, my home, was totaled. So, life has hurt--much. I've had some successes, too, but too many setbacks. I have to start life again with nothing.
Thanks, April Mouliert. I want to cover the cost, but I can't now. I am still unsure how I will get my stuff and myself from Morrison, Tennessee, to my daughter's home near Lancaster, PA.
And eventually, I will need a new vehicle. Do you know of anyone who has one to get rid of? I can travel anywhere to get it.
I am having trouble navigating life right now--please help.
If you have liked reading my blog and the posts have inspired you, please help. As always, I want to add to your life. You could help donate and we will find another way for me to live better. I'm scared and crying so often currently.
Hi everyone
Am Alex and a long time friend to Kit Summers who i know as a very nice person.
The purpose of this mission is to raise a goal of $75000 towards assisting our fellow juggler Kit Summers. We have a unique opportunity now to help one of our own. Kit Summers is in a hospital in Morristown Tennessee without a car and without any resources.
For those who don't know him, Kit came up through the IJA, has written three very helpful books and maintains a positive, thoughtful and well-written blog. To learn more about Kit and check out his writing please go to his website https://kitsummers.com. He became an excellent performer and was employed in a show in Atlantic City. He was walking to work when he got hit by a truck and spent 37 days in a coma. It took him many months to regain his functions and was thrilled when, against all predictions, he could juggle again.
Then he got hit by a truck again and had to rehabilitate once more. For the last couple of years Kit has been living in his van, but now he has had a third accident and the van was totaled. Because the police found Kit at fault he cannot get more than the value of his old beat up van from the insurance company. He told me all his worldly goods were lost. I don't know all the details, but he has been very despondent. Perhaps we could assemble a group to help him out. We have the opportunity to help Kit live up to the promotional line for one of his books "Learn the secret to being happy no matter what life throws at you."
Here's an idea that could be good for Kit, for the environment and for the IJA. I suggest that we raise enough money to buy Kit a 100% electric van at $75000,outfit it as an RV, decorate the outside to tout his juggling persona, the IJA, and sustainable transportation and then he might continue to go around the country as an "Ambassador" for the IJA, holding seminars on juggling, and on overcoming adversity and promoting his books.
So let's help Kit to become happy once again and put him back on the road. You can help share as much as you can so that we hit the goal.
Kit Summers
Boulder, CO