Ramona’s Megaesophagus Surgery Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Meet Ramona. She and her two siblings were left from an accidental litter. Little Ramona was the runt of the litter. Their family eventually relinquished ownership when they found that they could not care for them. Ramona weighed in at 2.5 lbs and had not consumed food or nutrients in almost 2 weeks due to her regurgitation. We immediately scooped them up and our amazing networkers got Ramona into the hospital as soon as possible as she wasn't located in Nebraska. The veterinary staff could not believe she was still alive.
Now our Earth Angel and networker is spending countless hours holding this sweet little nugget upright as she slowly feeds her a special diet. Ramona had gained 3 ounces but sadly lost an ounce and was rushed back to the hospital as she’s not keeping down her formula. If you can please help this little sweetie in giving her the opportunity to grow and find her forever home as every puppy should we would be forever grateful!
I'm raising money to benefit Kearney Area Community Foundation, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Kearney Area Community Foundation: Provide Support For Various Programs And Charitable Activities For Communities In The Area Of Buffalo County, Nebraska.
Shena Jensen
Omaha, NE
Kearney Area Community Foundation