Randall Smith's Children's' Future & Funeral Fund
Tax deductible
On Wednesday, November 17th, our brother, colleague, and freedom fighter, Randall Smith, was tragically murdered—his life snatched from us and the thousands of friends, family members, fellows, partners, and customers that loved him; that will love him, always.
We are starting this fund to cover his funeral costs and to support the futures of his two children.
For us, this loss feels insurmountable and impossible to grasp. There is not one inch of All Square’s present and future that hasn’t been informed and impacted by Randall. His energy and belief in our work has seen us through the darkest chapters. His leadership has illuminated paths forward and generated efforts, including a 250K Fund for Fellows, that will have multi-generational effects. And, most importantly, his humanness—his smile, his jokes, his principles, his endless love and support, his unparalleled work ethic—has added dimension to our family that has, on countless occasions, helped us soar.
And yet his gifts extended much beyond All Square’s walls. He was a father, who spoke daily about leaving a legacy for his kids. He was a trusted comrade and committed friend. He was an unapologetic advocate who committed his life to dismantling racism in all of its direct and indirect forms. He wrote to so many who were still on the inside, forging relationships and building community despite the prison walls that separate us. He sat on boards. He spoke at rallies. He built friendships with the most unlikely of souls. He spearheaded community events, always, always focused on giving back. He lifted us up. It’s just that simple. He lifted us up.
Emily Turner
Minneapolis, MN
All Square