Breakthrough Treatment for PTSD
The Research and Recognition project has developed a breakthrough protocol which can bring relief to Veterans suffering with PTS, quickly and without the use of drugs.
The research is in and now we are ready to deploy this treatment across the country.
Pete's (Vietnam Vet) Story
The protocol is ready now. This is your chance to make a difference by helping us finance training of the protocol to therapists across the United States.
The RTM breakthrough protocol takes less than 5 hours over a period of 5-7 days.
100% Drug free and requires no hospitalization.
Over 90% success in five rigorous, scientific studies proving a high rate of success in the protocol.
With the research phase of the project complete, your dollars will go to training more therapists to continue treating Veterans.
For more detailed information, studies and media, please visit our website at The Research and Recognition Project

The research is in and now we are ready to deploy this treatment across the country.
Pete's (Vietnam Vet) Story
The protocol is ready now. This is your chance to make a difference by helping us finance training of the protocol to therapists across the United States.
The RTM breakthrough protocol takes less than 5 hours over a period of 5-7 days.
100% Drug free and requires no hospitalization.
Over 90% success in five rigorous, scientific studies proving a high rate of success in the protocol.
With the research phase of the project complete, your dollars will go to training more therapists to continue treating Veterans.
For more detailed information, studies and media, please visit our website at The Research and Recognition Project

Frank J Bourke Phd
Corning, NY
Research and Recognition Project