Randy Lambert Funeral Expenses
As many of you know, Ashlynn and the Lambert family suffered a great loss this week when Randy was killed by a gunshot leaving a bar on Thursday night. Randy was a hard worker who owned an auto shop that was doing well, but with being a business owner, there was no life insurance or 401k available to him. This leaves Ashlynn and his family responsible for his final expenses on their own. Please help us raise the funds by donating what you can and sharing this to others so that we may not only give our friend and loved one a proper funeral service, but also leave Ashlynn something to help her on her new journey without her Dad.
Randy was a huge part of so many peoples lives that I know we can make this goal and be able to do our part and step up to help our friend take care of his baby girl when he couldn't.
Every bit of money raised will be used for his final expenses and any and all remaining amounts will go directly to Ashlynn. Thank you.