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Randy's Relief Fund

Donación protegida
You know Randy Sauer would never ask this for himself, so I'll ask on his behalf...knowing he may give me a bit of grief for doing so. As you may, or may not know, Randy has been waging a remarkable fight against cancer for the last couple of years. His chemo & radiation treatments have given him & Pattie good reason to be hopeful, but I think ultimately it will be Randy's attitude that will win this battle. His dogged perseverance, and "get it done" determination combined with his cheerful wit is what will  get rid of his "gunkies" once and for all.

But these treatments have understandably slowed him down at times, and there's been a few unforeseen setbacks such as the double pneumonia that he's currently recovering from. The last couple of years have required the need for some unplanned for and unusual down time for him, which obviously has interfered with his ability to keep up with the skyrocketing medical costs, ridiculous insurance premiums, and  outrageous deductibles necessary to continue the battle. True to his nature though, if he's upright, he's always ready to dig in.

Here's our chance to give him a bit of financial relief, and perhaps a bit of a break that his body needs to get well. I know first hand that he would, and has, done the same for others - now it's our turn.  Please help by making a contribution of your choosing towards these costs, and by forwarding this on to anyone that may be willing to help. It is my belief, that everybody needs a 'hand up' on occasion and I think it's Randy & Pattie's turn for a hand up. Thanks everyone!


  • Anónimo
    • $150
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Dave Olson
Castle Rock, CO
Randy Sauer

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