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Help fight Rasim Cesko's illness

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Page created by Emina Podzic and Elvir Cesko.
Treatment letter request by: Alija Cesko, father of Rasim.

Request for treatment assistance for Rasim Cesko, age: 29: Arthritis Psoriatic, Psoriasis Vulgaris, Diabetes Mellitus type 2, Osteoporosis, and Glaucoma.
Our painful story begins in the year 2004 when our son complained of pain in his hand and knee. It was a great shock, since he has always been a playful, energetic teenager with no major complaints of health issues prior to this occurrence. Upon many Doctor visits to find a diagnosis and treatment, and many medical experiments that came with little success, our life as we know it turned into a living nightmare. As a parent, this has been the biggest struggle of my life. Watching my young son live with this horrible illness has torn our family down physically, psychologically and emotionally.

My son Ćesko Rasim was born on August 22, 1988 in Rogatica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. My son’s serious illness started more than thirteen years ago in his teen years and has since been diagnosed as the following: rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, M. Behterev, Microadden gl. Hypophysis, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Glaucoma, and neck cervical lesions.
He was completely immobile for two years, until he received 4 doses of Remicade's drug. This therapy helped him to get back on his feet. So far, Rasim has received 17 doses of Remicade for which we have spent approximately $47,000 (80,000 KM). Rasim has also received 24 doses of biological medicine called Simponi 50mg in ampoules for which we spent approximately $41,000 (70,000- KM).
Given that the disease has progressed more rapidly in every review, Doctors have advised us that Rasim will have to receive another biological drug, along with what he is already taking. We have taken bids on two biomaterials of Humira 2x40mg with a price of $3,500 (3.070-BP), received every 15 days and the latest medicine Cosentyx 2x150mg, which costs $2,564 (4.390 BAM) and is to be received once a month. Stimulates show that both drugs are to be received 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week of the first month, or every seven days, and then the following months, once a month so that ultimately the drug price will end up being more affordable since it will only be taken once a month rather than weekly.
The cycle of receiving the above mentioned biological medicine lasts between 12 and 24 months, depending on the effects and how well the drug will work to reduce sedimentation in order for doctors to enter surgery. Since the vertebrae in the neck has been triggered, there is a possibility of damage to the spinal cord, and even the possibility of him becoming completely immobile/paralyzed. The total amount of money required for the first year is $38,436 (65,800 KM), and for the second year $30,783 (52,700 KM). The surgery in question will have to take place in Istanbul, Turkey as the Doctors in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not have the required resources to carry out the surgery here.

Unfortunately, due to the possibility of damage to the neck spine and spinal cord, the manifestation of immobility or death in Memorial Turkey Clinic has been proposed. However, without the surgery and treatment, the prognosis is death. We must give this a try so we know that we have tried everything possible to save our son.  The cost of the operation will be $ 21,705 (19,000 euros) excluding any additional examinations and costs of departure and accommodations.
We as his parents have exhausted all financial possibilities, maxed out our credit loans and have had help from family and friends all over Europe and America. Due to our current prognosis and the lack of funds we are no longer able to afford the medicine needed for our son and are asking for any help and contributions you may be able to provide. Any amount will help tremendously. If our son does not continue to receive biological therapy, he will return to a stage of immobility and faces quick health deterioration which may lead to death. In addition, Rasim, has during this battle, had to have an operation on both eyes, which was the result of glaucoma caused by using regular medications. His bone density is decreasing and his skin often breaks out in sores and inflammation due to medicine.
We have addressed all State Health funds and the Board which decide on the use of State funds for treatment, they did not respond to the needs of a young man for adequate treatment and did not provide biological medications available to patients like my son.

 We have also addressed all state doors to the Federal and Cantonal Health Insurance Institutions and received negative responses there as well. Because of denial of insurance treatment, I believe that all human rights of my son have been violated and that he has been deprived of his right to treatment. As parents, my wife and I, go from door to door and seek help for treatment from neighbors, friends, family and kind-hearted people like you. We hope that you will find it in your heart to donate whatever amount you can to help us fight my son’s illness.
Enclosed with our current request for donations, we have included part of the medical records and documentation. The Doctors who have worked to bring our son Rasim to recovery, are much more knowledgeable of our situation and we thank them for everything they have been able to do thus far.

 I am asking for your understanding of the situation at hand in which a young life is in question. Please try to help Rasim begin receiving Cosentyx 2x150mg and therefore prevent him from remaining immobile and stop further deformity of his body. The drug will be justified by the invoices and evidence once his doctors provide the drug for him to receive it.
Rasim has already received the first dose of the drug on 04.10.2017, the second on 04.17.2017, the third on 04.24.2017, the fourth on 05.01 2017 and the fifth on 06.01.2017. These doses are to be received monthly, and the next one will be 07.01.2017. The results are already noticeable and the effects of the drug are helping for psoriatic arthritis, but there are still great pains and complications, especially to his left hand and legs.
Donations outside of Europe may be made via this GoFundMe page or you may use the bank information below to donate from your account.

You can make a payment to:
Cesko Alija 40016999001 transaction account 3389002589440909 UniCredit Bank.
Cesko Alija, Account number 40016999102, IBAN-BA 39 3386 9028 7065 4878 SWIFT CODE UNCRBA 22 UNICREDDIT BANK MOSTAR.
With respect.
Alija Cesko, father of Rasim Cesko

Included are 2 photos of my son prior to the illness taking over his body. The remaining two photos are current.

English translation by: Emina Podzic

Zahtjev za  pomoć u liječenju.

Naša bolna priča počonje 2004.godine kada se naš sin požalio na bol u ruci i koljenu.To je bio jedan veliki šok, naš život je postao noćna mora.Ljekari koji su se brinuli o Rasimu pomagali su u okviru svojih mogućnosti.

 Nažalost država,zdravstveni fondovi i ljudi koji odlučuju o korištenju sredstava iz fondova za liječenje nisu odgovovorili potrebama jednog mladića za adekvatnim tretmanom u liječenju i nisu stavili biološke lijekove na raspolaganje pacijentima kakv je moj sin.

 Ovom prilikom smo priložili samo dio dokumentacije, a svi ljekari koji su se brinuli o zdravlju Rasima znaju mnogo više i mi im se na svemu učinjenom zahvaljujemo.

Takođe moram istaći da sam cijelo vrijeme agresije bio u Armiji Bosne i Hercegovine, a i cijela porodica je boravila u Bosni i Hercegovini.

 Obrazloženje: Imam sina Ćesko Rasima rođenog 22.08.1988.godine u Rogatici. Moj sin je teško obolio prije trinaest godina od više bolesti: Reumatoidni i psorijazni artritis, M. Behterev , Microadenom gl. Hypophisis, Diabetes mellitus tip 2 i Glaukom te je došlo do oštećenja vratnih pršljenova. Dvije godine je potpuno bio nepokretan, sve dok nije primio 4 doze lijeka Remicade.Pomenuta terapija mu je pomogla da opet stane na svoje noge.

Do sada Rasim je primio 17 doza lijeka Remicade za što smo utrošili 80.000- KM.Isto tako Rasim je primio 24 doze  biološkg  lijeka koji se zove Simponi 50mg u ampulama za koji smo utrošili 70.000- KM.

S obzirom da je u zadnje vrijeme bolest uznapredovala u svakom pregledu ljekari su nam  savjetovali da Rasim nastavi primati drugi biološki lijek tako da smo mi uzeli ponude za dva biološka lijeka  Humira 2x40mg čija je cijena 3.070-KM, prima se svakih 15 dana i najnoviji lijek Cosentyx 2x150mg čija je cijena 4.390-KM i prima se jednom u mjesecu stim što se jedan i drugi lijek  primaju 1,2,3 i 4 sedmica u mjesecu  odnosno  svakih sedam dana, a potom jednom mjesečno  tako da u konačnici ispadne jeftiniji lijek čija je cijena 4.390-KM.

 Ciklus prijema istog biološkog lijeka traje između 12 i 24 mjeseca zavisno od toga koliko će lijek djelovati na smanjenje sedimentacije kako bi ljekari pristupili operativnom zahvatu s obzirom da su se pršljenovi u vratnom dijelu pokrenuli te postoji mogućnost da dođe do oštećenja kičmene moždine,a samim tim da Rasim ostane u potpunosti nepokretan.Ukupan iznos novca potreban za prvu godinu je 65.800-KM, a za drugu godinu 52.700-KM.

Nažalost radi oštećenja vratne kičme i mogućeg oštećenja kičmene moždine ta nastupa nepokretnosti ili smrti na klinici Memorijal Turska predložena je operacija po cijeni od 19.000- eura bez dodatnih pregleda i troškova odlaska i smještaja uz pratnju. Obzirom da paralelno svaki mjesec za lijek obezbjeđujemo 4.390- KM teško da ćemo uspjeti obezbjediti navedena sredstva.imponi" da primi treću dozu lijeka "imponi od 2.400-KM  bez marže i troškova dopreme lijeka u Bosnu.Rasim je sada u bolnici i o

Obraćali smo se na sva državna vrata Federalnom i Kantonalnom zavodu zdravstvenog osiguranja i dobili negativne odgovore .Žalosno da mi kao roditelji idemo od vrata do vrata i tražimo pomoć za liječenje takođe smatram da su sva humana prava mog sina povrijeđena te da mu je uskraćeno pravo na liječenje.

Mi roditelji smo iscrpili sve mogućnosti, kreditno se zadužili i radi nedostatka sredstava više  nismo u mogućnosti istu kupiti. Ako Rasim ne nastavi primati biološku terapiju on će se opet vratiti u stadij nepokretnog momka. Osim toga Rasim je u međuvremenu morao izvršiti operaciju mrene na oba oka koja je nastaka korištenjem redovnih lijekova za šta smo sa pregledima izdvojili preko 8.000-KM.

Vjerujem da će te shvatiti situaciju u kojoj se nalazi jedan mladi život te pokušati pomoći kako bi Rasim poče primati lijek Cosentyx 2x150mg  i time sprječili da ne ostane nepokretan i da se ne nastavi daljnji deformitet tijela..Kupovinu lijeka ćemo opravdati računima i dokazom od njegovog ljekara da je isti primio.

 Rasim je već primio prvu dozu lijeka 10.04.2017.godine , drugu 17.04.2017.godine,  treću 24.04.2017.godine. , četvrtu 01.05.2017.godine i  petu je primio 01.06.2017.godine. , sljedeće doze se primaju mjesečno ili 01.07.2017.godine.Već je vidljiv učinak lijeka na psorijazni artritis ali su i dalje  veliki bolovi i otežani pokreti, pogotovu lijeve ruke i noge.

 Ukoliko se odlučite za novčanu pomoć uplatu možete izvršiti na račun Ćesko Alija 40016999001 transakcijski račun 3389002589440909 UniCredit Banka ili lično porodici.–––

Dvizni račun Ćesko Alija, Broj računa 40016999102, IBAN- BA 39 3386 9028 7065 4878 SWIFT CODE UNCRBA 22 UNICREDDIT BANK MOSTAR.

S poštovanjem.


 Ćesko Alija 



  • Resid Crnac
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Elvir Cesko
Salisbury, NC

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