Pastor “Ray” Ramon Greene - End Of Life Expenses
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If you are lucky enough to have met Pastor Ramon “Ray” Greene, I will
not have to explain to you how special he was.
If you haven’t, let me tell you a little bit about the faithful husband, loving father, caring brother, supportive friend, devoted minister, balloon-loving clown and proud New York Yankees fan!
Dad’s presence filled a room. Not because he was loud, he was usually quite the opposite yet you knew he was there. He was a peace filled man. His prayers, which he was always charged with during meals or get togethers, somehow made you feel closer to God. He invoked Gods presence with his deep, emotion filled prayers. “Be real to us, make me real...” was one of the most frequent phrases during prayers, will never be forgotten.
Dad was the king of “Dad jokes”! At one point we made a Facebook post of all of our favorite “Dadisms” and you couldn’t help but laugh at each one of them. “Run between the raindrops.”, “You miss me? Well, throw the rocks farther next time.”, “Don’t bite your teacher.” and so many others. He was truly a ray of light.
Car trips with Dad were always a blast. The Carpenters or Cathedrals were often playing on the radio. As a teenager it was the kind of stuff that made you want to plug your ears. First Mom would start singing, then Dad would fill his chest full of air and start in too and then all of a sudden the noise was worth it.
Dad always worked so hard for us. He was frequently on long work trips which would keep him away for days at a time, and he’d often come home absolutely exhausted but it only made us appreciate the time we got to spend with him so much more. He sacrificed so much, both mentally and physically to make sure his family was cared for. When he wasn’t working at his salaried job, he was helping Mom to build a church filled with love, constantly planning the next event to help bring more people to Christ. His church families, from all over, still talk of what a great man he was. His heart for people was bigger than life. He took in children that weren’t his own biologically, but loved them just the same. He invested time, money, and many sleepless nights caring for each and every one of those children.
He created a home with his wife that was always filled with love. The love he had for his wife was an overflowing cup. Their marriage is one that all of us kids look up to and strive to mirror. The look of pure adoration Dad always had in his eyes for Mom...it was absolutely breathtaking.
I cannot begin to fathom the heartache that Mom, his wife, Carolyn is feeling now at the loss of her husband and lifelong partner. His loss not only equals a great emptiness in her life, but also leaves her learning how to live in a world without him and his constant support. Right now she needs any support, both love and financial, that we can provide. Losing Dad unfortunately also means losing income. Dad sacrificed much for his family, community and country by serving during Vietnam and helping to restore communication at Ground Zero after 9/11, as well as during the day to day, by providing a home, security and loving us which has been worth more than all the riches in the world!
Eric B Bressi
Fredericktown, OH