Fundraiser for small farmers in Lebanon
Donation protected
The economic crisis has inflicted more challenges on farmers to sustain their activities and feed their families, while it increased costs for poorer families who became unable to afford such prices. In addition to the already deteriorated economy, small to medium sized farmers are left to bear the brunt of the free market and inflation, as they are incapable of financing the initial and medium-term investments to sow and maintain their land. Furthermore, the instability and negative fluctuation of the Exchange Rate against the US dollar has instilled fears that imported agricultural necessities will be increasingly inaccessible to the farming community as they trade in Lebanese Liras. Many of such cases are left with no other option than to minimize crop sizes to offset maintenance costs, or relinquish working the land all together.
***Solution: The Harvest Box will help farmers who lack fiscal resources at the various stages of the season to sustain their production by distributing seedlings of vegetable varieties planted during summer season. This will be done by targeting small farmers in North Beqaa and Akkar regions, through Cooperation without Borders in Beqaa and Mada in Akkar, and with the overall support of Robinson Agri, who will be providing the certified seedlings.
***How? The Harvest Box will contain enough seedlings to support farmers throughout the season, equivalent to 100 US$ per box to support 150 farmers in both regions. Therefore, all proceeds above the $15,000 goal will be distributed to further farmers in need of assistance.
***When? Timing is imperative, as farmers are at the critical time to plow and sow their land during the Spring season. Urgency in securing funds to enable our farmers to provide for their families and markets alike, is of utmost necessity at this time*.
***About me. I am Adel Shahal and i am a lebanease american that used to live in lebanon and now i am living in the united states and my goal with this campaign is to help raise money from friends and family to help these farmers. With the help of my cousin Hania Chahal and some volunteers in lebanon to distribute the seedlings that i will buy with the funds. Once the funds are released from gofundme we will setup the payment to the store that we will buy the seedlings from. At the moment we are awaiting funds release. Thank you for your donations and help.
Adel N Souria Shahal
San Jose, CA