Keep Fresh Tracks ALIVE!!
Tax deductible
WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW to continue the Fresh Tracks program! A collaborative Music and Film production program at the C.A.P.O. (Community Arts Programming & Outreach) Center built by Jail Guitar Doors, Street Poets and Give a Beat. We leveraged our resources and talents into an interdisciplinary curriculum with a generous grant from the LA Dept of Cultural Affairs via AHJN(Arts for Healing and Justice Network). Fresh Tracks is a 12-week music and film production workshop held at our C.A.P.O. (Community Arts Programming & Outreach) Center in Hollywood, CA that assists student artists in creating songs from inception to professional release via digital platforms. Artists work with AHJNetwork instructors from JGD-USA, Street Poets, Inc. and Give A Beat to individually create and record songs from their personal experiences as well as work collaboratively on one group track. Participants also received instruction in preparing the non-musical prerequisites of any professional release, including hands-on experience in creating video, photo, bio and digital art assets. We bring innovative strategies to arts education classes that lead to positive outcomes for the system-impacted and under-resourced youth we collectively serve. Several youths from our pilot program have graduated and are now transitioning into teaching roles for the next phase of FRESH TRACKS. Please help us move forward and keep FRESH TRACKS ALIVE!!!
Fundraising team (2)
Jason Heath
Los Angeles, CA
Jail Guitar Doors
Bri Ibarra
Team member