Re Stock Brisbane Period Project
Brisbane Period Project makes up essential sanitary kits which are given out free of charge to people experiencing homelessness in and around Brisbane. These Period Packs are a vital necessity that ensures every person experiencing homelessness has access to safe, free and adequate menstrual support.
Sadly, almost all of our stock in Brisbane has been ruined. It was deliberately tipped out and is no longer safe to use. We have to dispose of it all. We are absolutely devastated. All up we've lost around $7500 worth of stock.
On June 28 we have committed to making over 700 Period Packs to be delivered to the Homeless Connect event with Micah Projects, and we can't deliver on our promise without your help.
We need to gather stock fast and the best way to do that is with a giant bulk buy of everything we need.
Please, just $5 makes a difference and can help us get these absolutely essential Period Packs made and delivered to people experiencing homelessness, just like we promised.
Please help us to keep our promise to those in need. We've lost almost everything and we desperately need your support to get it all back as fast as we can.
Every donation over $2 is fully tax deductible as we're a registered charity. Please message us through this page if you're able to assist and if you'd like a receipt.
Thank you all. We appreciate your support more than we can ever say.
Roz, Donna and the BPP team