Real Art Tacoma COVID19 Relief Fund
We have a $30000 hard goal for funding to make sure we come out ahead of this pandemic. We have plans to use this money to make sure we can move forward when restrictions are lifted. We have plans in the works for broadcasting/live streaming events through platforms like Patreon, Twitch, and YouTube. Your contributions will go directly to us updating and securing our equipment to make this a reality. We secured $1500 through PayPal Donations and GiveBIG WA. We are also secured $13000 from the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan. With all this, we have now lowered our goal in GoFundMe as a result. We are now only $15500 away from our goal of $30000! We are also partnering with Benevity to further fundraising and volunteer efforts. We thank everyone for their continued support, and we look forward to having you all at Real Art for our next show back.
In this public health crisis your support for the arts is needed now more than ever. Many in the service and entertainment industry are suffering with lost wages. Particularly challenging is an event space without events. Our free-lance sound engineers are without work. Students, volunteers and interns are without outlets to just be themselves. For some this space is the only place they can let loose and be their truest selves. Much like others we are adjusting to these new circumstances and are considering how we can best innovate and move forward, promoting connection, vulnerability, artwork and catharsis in making. We are looking into streaming and encouraging purchases made to support artists directly to continue to give space to marginalized groups. We believe that social distancing still requires interaction despite the physical locations. In this day and age we are pleased to support those who are doing tremendous work to resume any semblance of normalcy.Real Art Tacoma was created by members of our local music community. We aim to fill a need that we feel is extremely important. The need for a space where people of any age can experience and engage in live music and the community that creates it. Real Art Tacoma is a DIY live music venue. It was planned, funded and constructed entirely by members of our local music scene. It continues to operate in the same manner. Nearly all of our staff including the owners work on a volunteer basis. Real Art Tacoma relies completely on support from our community to continue to operate. Whether your support be in the form of buying a ticket to see a show, spreading the word about us to your friends, or making a donation to the space, it is absolutely vital and we feel so honored to have you as one of our contributors. All of our income goes to rent, paying artists for their performances, programming for workshops, and maintenance/improvement of the space and its sound/lighting systems. We do not make profits for our owners.
If you believe in what we are doing and have the means, please consider making a donation to Real Art Tacoma. As a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, donations made qualify for tax write-offs for you. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us.