Real Food Consumer Coalition
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ACTION Alert — Congressional Bipartisan Support for RFCC Citizen Petition on Interstate Transportation of Raw Milk.
On April 26, 2017, RFCC filed through their legal counsel (Emord and Associates, a Washington DC law firm with extensive experience in food regulation) a citizen’s petition with the FDA to exempt farmers from draconian enforcement if they provide warning labels and a recipe for pasteurization on raw milk products.
A letter has been written and is about to be sent by Congressional Representatives Smucker (R-PA) and Pingree (D-ME) asking that the FDA rule in favor of the RFCC petition.
Here is how you can help: https://realfoodcc.com/act-now
About RFCC:
Real Food Consumer Coalition (RFCC) was established by a group of concerned consumers after learning that their Pennsylvania farmer was having troubles with the USDA due to his Private Membership Association having issues protecting them.
Ms. Reitzig , an accomplished and outspoken raw milk activist, quickly approached other leading raw milk advocates and core real food organizers to establish a coalition based on the fact that consumers need to be represented and protected as much as the producers are. RFCC was born.
RFCC’s first action was to take on Amish Pennsylvania farmer, Amos Miller, and his extremely serious USDA contempt of court issues. Through months of counseling Mr. Miller, as well as negotiations and strategy between Miller and the courts, Amos Miller’s contempt of court charges were dropped. A grand victory!
RFCC’s next action was the April 26, 2017 Citizen Petition on labeling raw milk products with the FDA. RFCC organizers approached renowned FDA attorney Jonathan W. Emord of Emord & Associates requesting feedback an interstate labeling concept. Emord is a highly successful and respected attorney who has defeated the FDA on many occasions. Serendipitously, Mr. Emord had long thought about a very similar labeling concept. Mr. Emord came on-board bringing attorney Bethany Kennedy and their vast legal experience and enthusiasm! The petition was filed on April 26, 2017.
Currently: The state of New Jersey and multiple counties are attacking American citizens and international guest for consuming raw milk. Be see David Gumpert’s articles here:
12-9-17 NJ Caught Up in Raw-Milk Dragnet with a Twist
12-12-17 Who Was That Masked Man?
12-14-17 Pennsylvania Asks Raw Milk Producers to Discontinue Brucella Vaccination
12-17-17 In Major Intimidation Move, NJ Issues “Cease and Desist” Order to 8 or More Residents Over Raw Milk
RFCC is comprised of thousands of consumers, farmers and real-food advocates who believe in their inherent right to freely choose the farmers and foods to feed themselves and their families. The coalition is quickly growing with new organizational partnerships and allies every week.
About the lead organizer:
Liz Reitzig is the founder of Real Food Consumer Coalition (RFCC) and NourishingLiberty.com . In 2007 Liz founded Grassfed On The Hill, a local GMO-free food buying club that serves the greater Washington DC metro area.
She is the co-founder and spokesperson for Farm Food Freedom, she is an event speaker, activist and Mother of 5! Liz has appeared as a raw milk spokesperson on several national radio and television shows, has been subject matter in national newspapers and has been featured in the documentary Farmageddon . Her most recent appearance was as a guest with Dr. Ron Paul on his Liberty Report show.
Liz Reitzig has spent a decade working on the politics of food access in support of small farmers and those who wish to obtain food directly from them. She believes that everyone has the right to peacefully access the foods of their choice from the producer of their choice. Her work on several key cases and her proactive approach to policy and activism have helped shape national and state level food and farming policies.
Firm beliefs in producing our own food, supporting our farmers and nourishing our families is not enough. Liz feels that sometimes further action is needed, and we are called to act in ways that might stretch us past our immediate comfort zones. Through inspiration and action, she continually leads by example in showing us the most beautiful opportunities we are given, to serve our fellow human beings.
On April 26, 2017, RFCC filed through their legal counsel (Emord and Associates, a Washington DC law firm with extensive experience in food regulation) a citizen’s petition with the FDA to exempt farmers from draconian enforcement if they provide warning labels and a recipe for pasteurization on raw milk products.
A letter has been written and is about to be sent by Congressional Representatives Smucker (R-PA) and Pingree (D-ME) asking that the FDA rule in favor of the RFCC petition.
Here is how you can help: https://realfoodcc.com/act-now
About RFCC:
Real Food Consumer Coalition (RFCC) was established by a group of concerned consumers after learning that their Pennsylvania farmer was having troubles with the USDA due to his Private Membership Association having issues protecting them.
Ms. Reitzig , an accomplished and outspoken raw milk activist, quickly approached other leading raw milk advocates and core real food organizers to establish a coalition based on the fact that consumers need to be represented and protected as much as the producers are. RFCC was born.
RFCC’s first action was to take on Amish Pennsylvania farmer, Amos Miller, and his extremely serious USDA contempt of court issues. Through months of counseling Mr. Miller, as well as negotiations and strategy between Miller and the courts, Amos Miller’s contempt of court charges were dropped. A grand victory!
RFCC’s next action was the April 26, 2017 Citizen Petition on labeling raw milk products with the FDA. RFCC organizers approached renowned FDA attorney Jonathan W. Emord of Emord & Associates requesting feedback an interstate labeling concept. Emord is a highly successful and respected attorney who has defeated the FDA on many occasions. Serendipitously, Mr. Emord had long thought about a very similar labeling concept. Mr. Emord came on-board bringing attorney Bethany Kennedy and their vast legal experience and enthusiasm! The petition was filed on April 26, 2017.
Currently: The state of New Jersey and multiple counties are attacking American citizens and international guest for consuming raw milk. Be see David Gumpert’s articles here:
12-9-17 NJ Caught Up in Raw-Milk Dragnet with a Twist
12-12-17 Who Was That Masked Man?
12-14-17 Pennsylvania Asks Raw Milk Producers to Discontinue Brucella Vaccination
12-17-17 In Major Intimidation Move, NJ Issues “Cease and Desist” Order to 8 or More Residents Over Raw Milk
RFCC is comprised of thousands of consumers, farmers and real-food advocates who believe in their inherent right to freely choose the farmers and foods to feed themselves and their families. The coalition is quickly growing with new organizational partnerships and allies every week.
About the lead organizer:
Liz Reitzig is the founder of Real Food Consumer Coalition (RFCC) and NourishingLiberty.com . In 2007 Liz founded Grassfed On The Hill, a local GMO-free food buying club that serves the greater Washington DC metro area.
She is the co-founder and spokesperson for Farm Food Freedom, she is an event speaker, activist and Mother of 5! Liz has appeared as a raw milk spokesperson on several national radio and television shows, has been subject matter in national newspapers and has been featured in the documentary Farmageddon . Her most recent appearance was as a guest with Dr. Ron Paul on his Liberty Report show.
Liz Reitzig has spent a decade working on the politics of food access in support of small farmers and those who wish to obtain food directly from them. She believes that everyone has the right to peacefully access the foods of their choice from the producer of their choice. Her work on several key cases and her proactive approach to policy and activism have helped shape national and state level food and farming policies.
Firm beliefs in producing our own food, supporting our farmers and nourishing our families is not enough. Liz feels that sometimes further action is needed, and we are called to act in ways that might stretch us past our immediate comfort zones. Through inspiration and action, she continually leads by example in showing us the most beautiful opportunities we are given, to serve our fellow human beings.
Liz Reitzig
Bowie, MD