Reasonable Minds Can REBUILD!
Donation protected
Hey Friends, Mrs. HoegLaw here, I asked Rick’s sister to write this up, because it was just too hard for me to do it. This is your opportunity to give financially, if you are able. We appreciate all your help and support in whatever way you are sending it and all the things you have done so far to support us. It really has kept us going through all the ups and downs. It all counts and it all matters.
This road is not over. In fact, it feels like it is just the beginning. Asking for help is not easy for me, but I know we need it to give Rick the very best chance at recovery possible.
I want to return a whole, strong Rick Hoeg to you. I believe that is possible with extensive rehab. I also believe that he has much more good to do on this earth and I want to give him the very best chance to do it. That means paying these medical bills well beyond what insurance will cover, seeking out supplemental therapy, and even making some modifications to our home for safety.
Team Hoeg is ALL IN for Rick Hoeg and I know you are too.
Thank you for however you choose to support Team Hoeg. We couldn’t do it without you.
I'm Katie: this here is my brother Rick - and, man, is he a force!
You see - just a few days after Christmas, Rick suffered a stroke that sent him directly to the ICU. He was sedated, intubated, and underwent BRAIN SURGERY (!!!) all to help alleviate the pressure that was building in his body. But NOW - his eyes are OPEN; he is breathing on his own; he's cracking jokes - and ladies and gentlemen, he is FIGHTING BACK!
(Honestly, if you know Rick, this probably isn't news, because Rick has ALWAYS been a fighter. I mean, fighting (arguing?) with Rick was one of my favorite past times circa 1993-1998!)
Rick is a determined person, I think both his career and work on YouTube prove that.
...and right now, he needs your help.
Rick and his family are looking at extensive rehabilitation bills. Because of the limitations of health insurance, most of these expenses will be out-of-pocket for them. Once Rick's released from the hospital, he will be moved to an in-patient rehab clinic - and after that, it will be non-stop outpatient physical therapy for several more months. (Not to mention that landing in the hospital in one calendar year and leaving in the next means you've got a double deductible. *ouch*)
So, we're reaching out to you: Rick's tried and true friends and family; his favorite followers from YouTube/Twitter/and Beyond; and just people who see a need and want to help. Rick's wife Sharon has been contacted countless times with messages asking, "How can we help?"
Well, this is your chance: this is where we need you.
Anything you can offer up to the cause will be massively appreciated by Rick, Sharon, their beautiful girls, and everyone who needs to hear just a little more of Rick's take on the video game industry. (And, you know, if you haven't yet subscribed - Hoeg Law YouTube)
Listen, you are so loved and appreciated. We thank you for being part of this incredible story, because we know Rick is going to do some seriously amazing things.
Organizer and beneficiary
Katie Johansen
Northville, MI
Sharon Hoeg