Rebecca Runs for the Wylder Nation Foundation
Hi! If you've made it here, you probably already know that I'm running the Hartford half marathon on October 9, 2021, and I'm doing it with the goal of raising at least $2000 to help babies born with rare fatal Lysosomal Storage Diseases, specifically ASMD (aka Niemann Pick Diseases).
You can see the website linked below for much more detailed information, but in summary, children born with ASMD WILL NOT SURVIVE long enough to see kindergarten. THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO TREATMENTS AVAILABLE. Two potentially promising treatments are on the horizon, but funding is desperately needed to speed up the timeline and clear the pathway to a clinical trial, which could potentially help the babies currently living with this devastating disease.
Who wants to help me cross the finish line? Lucky for you, you don't have to run the 13.1 miles to help, you just have to donate to my fundraiser to benefit the Wylder Nation Foundation!
The Wylder Nation Foundation was created in memory of Wylder, who passed away from ASMD at 3 years old. The Wylder Nation Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization determined to improve the lives of children diagnosed with a Lysosomal Storage Disease by accelerating the discovery and development of treatment options. For more information on the foundation and ASMD please see https://wyldernation.org/
I hope you'll consider giving whatever amount you can in order to help me reach (or better yet, exceed) my goal, and help make treatment a reality for the children battling this disease, and their families. If you can't contribute, perhaps you can share my fundraiser?
Thanks all,
*Given my profession I feel I need to explain to you how this works and add some disclosure: I do not personally receive any of the funds. I will not personally withdraw money from this fundraiser. PayPal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity, will receive the donations and grant the funds to The Wylder Nation Foundation via PayPal or (if the charity hasn’t enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund) via check.
PayPal Giving Fund delivers money to charities on a monthly basis, near the 25th of the month, and typically within 15-45 days of the original donation (or 90 days if the charity has not yet enrolled with PPGF). Technically, you are donating to and will receive a tax receipt from PPGF, but the funds will go to the Wylder Nation Foundation. Thanks!*