Rebekah Dvorin Gravestone Memorial. Help Seth honor his mom
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Hi this is a tough one to start. I never thought this would be needed. This fundraiser is to help my 18yr old nephew raise funds to buy a gravestone for his mother. Something not easy for anyone but at 18 to loose your mother and now have to honor her with a unveiling (Jewish style) is something that has been a nightmare for him and myself and his godfather Dino.
Please read below.
Hi everyone.
I'm sitting here trying to find the words to this completely complex story. All that know me do know. I do not just start something like this. So here we go.
18 years ago, the most amazing boy was born to my childhood best friend Rebekah Dvorin of East Brunswick, NJ. My nephew Seth answered the prayers to a family who had just faced the ultimate nightmare. Rebekahs little Brother Seth enlisted in the service after our country was attacked on 911 he felt he had to do something to help our country and he did...he enlisted. Sadly, in Feb 2004, Seth was tragically killed in Iraq, defending our country.
So when Rebekahs son was born, he was honored with the families hero, his Uncle Seth's name. ❤️
Seth was the light in the Dvorin family to say is an understatement. He's been a happy, good kid who has sadly had to deal with too much.
When the Seth hit his early teens, we found out Rebekah was diagnosed with lung disease. Rebekah was strong, and God's knows ( love you, Bekah lol ) but stubborn too. Rebekah did not believe this would take her life. She didn't speak of how bad her illness was or how she suffered daily or how her appearance changed due to this illness. Seth knew she was sick, of course, but no one thought, that she would lose her battle to lung disease at 47 years old.
May 15, 2024, Rebekah M Dvorin lost her battle to lung disease. Leaving a devistated 18 year old young man behind.
When we had our babies years ago, we always looked at the at the "sisters" we grew up with and told each other. We were Aunts to these kids...me to Seth and Rebekah to Jace because we wanted them to be our family, our nephews. In this family, it's more than blood... it always was and always will be. That brings me to why this has been started. This part I'm going to say as best as I can...without being to offensive because I'm positive this will get back to said person.
Rebekah had a extremely difficult relationship with her mother and that is to say the least. Since Rebekahs passing in May, I have been very close with my nephew Seth along with one of our mutual friends who is Seth's godfather Dino.
Seth did move in temporarily with his grandmother. In this time I spent alot of time with Seth and learning alot about the young man he is myself and his godfather Dino are extremely proud of Seth. I have also watched him deal with things I watched his mother go threw 30yrs ago and without going into every detail it's not worth it but it was a mental game that messed her up badly. Now it was startong with Seth too. The disagreements in the home with Seth started leading to clothes being thrown out on the lawn, him being told to leave and him being forced to sleep in his girlfriends car after begging and knocking to be let in the house as she sat and watched TV and didnt answer the door. These disagreements honestly were nothing big ..they were her old school rules. I'm a mother to a 16yr old boy and cut your hair or don't come home in this day is ridiculous. When I tried to get involved and called Rebekahs mom about the situation with Seth, I was told tough love is the thing to do and throw him out.......um really this kid just lost his mother and at that point a month ago and he's a good kid! My heart rebroke as loosing his mother wasn't enough for all of us. I was still dealing with the way I found out about my best friends death...she chose to leave Rebekahs closest, nearest and dearest family out of her funeral. How does someone do this. I'm floored honestly at this point. I grew up with her mom, looked up to her, at one point when I was a kid.
I then opened my home to Seth. I will never leave him homeless or sleeping in a car and for no reason. I dont have much but he wont be outside! He already has job and he's devoted to it always on time and a model employee a assistant manager for his store at 18! Since staying with me, we got him on a budget and we found him a room to rent he's been there a few months. Rent is always on time. Seth bought a used car and pays his insurance. He's doing wonderful.
Now onto the problem. Seth and Gma we thought were "trying" Seth didn't wanna close the door on a relationship with her. They have a extremely small family he wanted to try. Maybe things would be better if he didn't live there. Things for a short time were ok then recently in conversations, they had been discussing Rebekahs headstone. Gma did agree to help him. He was thankful, how can he take that on. He then received a blueprint of the headstone. Gma didn't include Seth in the planning, which of course upset him. He thought he'd be involved with the planning. There were things on the headstone not ok with Seth. Seth then did everything he could to change it. When they would not change it, he told them he was next of kin, not her, and the stone wouldn't/couldn't look like that. After alot of disagreements the contract was canceled. Following another conversation with Gma, hoping to have her understand he wanted to be involved lead to Seth being told her design, no stone! The mental distress this is causing Seth once again is not necessary, and it hurts! Hasn't everyone been there enough! When I got the call from him and heard his voice heartbroken again from this person. I can not let him go through this anymore. I wish I had the means to take care of this for him. I'm trying to raise the funds for a simple footstone to mark her grave for him.
He doesn't deserve someone who is supposed to love you to treat you this way anymore.
He now has to raise funds to buy a gravestone at 18.
Life isn't fair and anything helps.
We were quoted 3k. $1300 Is to lay the foundation at the cemetery that fee can not be avoided. The receipt will be posted and every penny is going to her unveiling.
Thank you all.
Michele Bloom and Dino Geloni
Michele Bloom
Old Bridge, NJ