Replace Bee Colonies Devastated by Bushfires
Matt Gledhill and his family have lost almost all of their bee hives in the devastating fires that hit the Upper Murray of South Eastern Australia this past week. Matt is well known in the Upper Murray region for his passion for bees and generosity, and for Mountain Bee Honey and Jemba Rock produce https://www.facebook.com/Jembarockproduce/
Like many farmers who have lost their cattle herds to the bushfires, Matt and his family have lost their livelihood too. Both of the forest locations where Matt had his bees, Pine Mountain and Mt Alfred, bore the full front of the fires. They were wiped out as you can see in the pictures.
Just as important as replacing his livelihood and getting back on his feet is the regeneration of this beautiful area, and for that bees are a must. Help Matt and his family rebuild their colonies and keep their small local business going while providing bees to the area as it regrows and recovers.
This is what is left of some of the hives. Not even recognisable.
Matthew and those working with him have learned of a large number of complete hives for sale just a few hours from his area, so now is the time to act. These established colonies have stores of honey to keep them well fed until nearby natives begin to flower again.
Help Matthew and his family rebuild their colonies and keep their small local business going while providing bees to the area as it regrows and recovers.
Our goal is to raise $30,000 to secure these hives, ready to bring in to the area when it is safe for Matthew to reintroduce these buzzy little angels into the land.
If you would like to talk to me directly or can offer other assistance or equipment call Or email
Pam Noonan
0419 886 807
[email redacted]
** Please note that I have been unable to add Matthews bank details for donations to go direct to him. I am still working with gofundme to change this as soon as possible. At this time the donations are coming to me and I am forwarding these directly to Matthew on receiving them. I hope to have all donations going directly to Matthews account very soon. If you have any questions please contact me.
Pam Noonan