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Rebuild for the Rogers-Usher Family

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Hi all, my sister Lindsay and her family have been victims of the Santa Rosa Fires. 

Julian, Lindsay, Amoreena and Bill (their dog) were evacuated early in the morning of October 9, 2017 as the Tubbs Fire came raging through their neighborhood in Santa Rosa.  They were able to get the dog, their phones and find safety with a local friend.   We are beyond grateful they are safe.

We learned October 10th, EVERYTHING IS GONE.  There is nothing left of their home or their neighborhood.  They are swimming in a sea of uncertaintly and realizing they need funds to rebuild.

Theses funds will be uesd to find a new home, get basic necessities and costs associated with the now new-normal of living with so much loss.  

Please reach deep into your hearts and what you can of your pockets to consider a  donation towards their fund to rebuild their lives.   

I will be coordinating this fundraising with them and make sure it is all securely transferred to them - the sooner the better since expenses will start coming in immediately for housing, clothing, etc.

We are very grateful for anything you can give.  Please reach out to me directly with any questions.  We will update you again as we learn more.


  • Jane and Ken Anderson
    • $200
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jen Usher Anderson
Seattle, WA
Julian Rogers

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