Rebuild Fortitude Boxing
Fortitude is founded by the values of a man whose integrity is unquestionable. It’s history proud and strong, evidence with memorabilia hanging from the walls of the fighters who dare walk the path of a pugilist, sharing something very special and providing a culture that stands strong to this day! One of the most respected gyms without question housing some of the best fighters of its generations that this great nation has to offer from World Champions, National Champions, Olympian’s and Commonwealth game representatives.
More importantly what makes Fortitude so special is the everyday person who comes here to share the special bond built on the values of the gym. A place where kids come and learn values that will carry them well in their future endeavours. Keeping them off the street giving them direction.
This is home to all walks of life from high end business people, white collar, blue collar, house mums and even athletes from other sports all coming to one place to share something great together learning, thinking, hurting pushing and evolving as one, that keeps them coming back time and time again.
That is the essence of life! Providing a place where people can come without judgment and just be themselves. Giving back to the community is what this great club we call Fortitude is built on.
Unfortunately due to an electrical accidental fire, Fortitude is no more, This is a place where people make an income to provide for their families. A place where others come to improve themselves on all levels of life (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). This is where we now need your help. While we have insurance, it did not extend to the personal items our athletes lost.
With our mission to rebuild what has been lost and restore Fortitude back into our community to enjoy for generations.
We ask for your help so we can continue giving back to the community and providing a positive space where anyone can walk into and feel welcomed and become part of a tribe that stands together! It is time to give back to a man that has dedicated life in helping others and giving to this great community so that we can rebuild and continue to enforce positive environment for everyone enjoy.
Thank you and God Bless