Bandicoot pottery studio
This is Gabrielle and Dan of Bandicoot Pottery.
Based in the gorgeous town of Cobargo, they along with so many, have had their lives turned upside down in the recent fires in New South Wales. Their pottery studio and all the stock in it was destroyed on New Year's Eve. This was their workplace, their love, their passion.
While their home is insured, the studio was not and they need help to rebuild.
Before the fire (taken in November 2019)
After the fire (taken 1st of Jan 2020)
Gabrielle and Dan not only lost the building and stock, but also their pottery wheels and all the equipment that they have built up over the last 30 years. Please donate what you can, so we can help them get back on their feet.
This is a story in progress and will be updated as we get more information from them. Currently they have no power or fuel and limited mobile coverage. The whole community is still in a lot of danger.