REBUILDTHEBLOCK - 4 Black Owned Small Businesses
Hello everyone,
Im starting this Gofundme in light of the recent looting and destruction. I’m saddened by these actions that have taken place in our communities and this is the best way I felt we can help redistribute the wealth!
I would like for these funds to aid black-owned small businesses get back on their feet after the economic crisis of COVID-19 And/or the looting destruction.
We have officially started a NonProfit Organization called Rebuildtheblock Corp. You can follow our updates on @RebuildtheblockCorp on IG or @RTBCORP on Twitter. Affected business please visit our website for more information on how to apply.
For more information, please visit www.Rebuildtheblock.org
Please join me in my efforts to REBUILD THE BLOCK. THIS IS A NATIONWIDE FUND. We deserve a chance to make our communities a better place.
How will funds be distributed?
-Funding will be distributed on a monthly basis starting June 30th
Distribution Guidelines:
-The monthly amount that will be donated will vary BY MONTH and the amount of eligible applicants.
Thank you for support! As we give, we give back.