Restore the Olympia Waldorf School Kinderhaus
Tax deductible
*Donate to support our Kinderhaus restoration efforts. We have matching funds of $20K. If the GoFundMe campaign raises $20K by March 31st, this will get doubled! Help us get there!
*Share our GoFundme! Share with friends, family, neighbors, alumni, alumni friends, businesses and beyond. Share via social media, email, a friendly call or in person over a cup of tea!
*Ask for a match donation! Do you know a business or individual who would do a match donation? Contact us!
March 1st-March 31st, 2024
A cold front in our area caused a water pipe in the attic of the Kinderhaus to break. The result was substantial water damage to nearly the entire building and the beloved space for our early childhood classes is currently unusable.
This major setback has impacted our community in big and small ways. We grieve the temporary loss of the use of the amazing Kinderhaus, we grieve the disruption to childcare and regular schedules for families, and we grieve the sense of loss of “normalcy” as students and faculty are asked to share spaces.
Our faculty, administration and volunteers quickly worked together to create a plan with the safety and comfort of our students at the forefront. Volunteers showed up in ways our school has not seen in years. Two upper grades classes have given up their classrooms and moved in with others so our preschool and kindergarten classes are able to carry on. The silver lining is that this setback has created beautiful connection through the camaraderie that comes from working together. It shows the resiliency, dedication and love that we have for our school and all of the students.
Thus, in this spirit of rebuilding our nest, we aim to make March a month of purpose and meaning, a dedicated month of fundraising for the Kinderhaus restoration and general facilities needs. Our hope is not to put the financial burden on our current families but we do hope current families and our greater community can help extend the roots of our campaigns far and wide. Our fundraising efforts will only work if everyone takes an active part in sharing the GoFundMe with friends, family, neighbors, alumni, alumni families, and businesses. Any and all donations will add significantly to the event.
As one faculty member shared, "This school was founded by parents and the only reason it exists is because parents continue to want it. In a way, the school is reborn every morning during drop off." We hope this sentiment holds true this month as we gather our collective skills to help rebuild a space that means so much to OWS and our students.
If you have any questions or want to get even more involved in this endeavor (i.e., corporate match, sponsorship, artistic skills, social networking, facilities skills, etc.) please contact us.
Cooper Carras
Olympia, WA
Olympia Waldorf School