Rebuild 86 homes in Nepal village
Starting Help The Journey for me was easy. I travelled to Asia to help others after suffering from depression and then giving up and trying to take my own life.
When I started to travel, I realised that money and material things mattered not one bit, I could see the happieness on peoples faces that were in poverty. These people were amazingly resilient and happy.
Watch the video below of my journey and inspiration for Help The Journey
I founded Help The Journey because I wanted to use my social reach and community I had grown to do social good. Using Periscope, I found it to have a profound reaction to my charity and kindness towards others. It was powerful and I wanted to make sure I could do everything possible to make sure I help those suffering around the world.
I decided that I would travel 50 countries helping 50 good causes and give then the attention they need.
The first cause is the village of Thangpalkot 1, Nepal located in the worst hit region from the earthquake on 25th April 2015. This has to be the most scenic places on earth with the Himalayas in the backdrop. It's magical!
I arrived in this village to learn that 86 homes were destroyed leaving only 6 standing! Right now the winter is fast approaching and I can tell you as I'm here, it's freezing.
At the moment the homes are temporary, with no insulation from the elements, unsafe and not built to last. God only knows what will happen if another earthquake strikes.
The money raised will be used to rebuild all 86 homes with the most vulnrable having their homes rebuilt first. With additional funds used to educate the children, who are also in temporay classrooms.
Help The Journey is literally as this page goes live about to build the very first home. You can't understand how happy I and the village are about this. I can only thank all that have contributed so far, you are amazing.
Below is the initial meeting with the villager, and the money handed over to the mechant as a deposit for the first home.
This is a communtity like my grandparents would always talk about. A community that comes together in a moment of need. All homes will be built by the locals and specialists. I have witnessed something amazing here in Thangpalkot 1, Nepal.
Please stand with me and help get this village back to the beauty it once held, and make sure these amazing Nepali people get the help they really do need.
Thank you so much.
Love from Nepal