Life After Brain Surgery
My GoFundMe story...
I'm Darlene Moreno.
My goal is $10,000 to help rebuild my life.
I was a long time guitarist for the legendary singer, composer, and musical arranger Barry White...and was the only female guitarist to be selected by the major artist. I became a seasoned veteran while touring and recording with the Grammy-winning artists' Love Unlimited orchestra for over 7 years. When I got the chance to pursue my passion of performing, producing, and recording Smooth Jazz I did so with the blessings of Barry. Since then I've worked with artists such as Rick Braun, Jeff Golub, Paul Taylor, and many others - including Gerald Albright with whom I spent 6 blessed years.
In September 2015 I fainted, fell, and hit my head. The fall caused severe head and facial trauma, with side effects and symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease.
When the doctor examined me he asked if Parkinson's ran in my family. I told him it didn't and he wasn't sure what to make of it. He set me for a second examination at a later date. It too was inconclusive.
On February 15, 2016 I was taken to the Urgent Care Center for a CT Scan of my brain. They discovered a blood mass covering from the front of my head to the nape of my neck, along with blood build up in my ears that they initially believed to be wax. They told me that they knew that a tumor existed. They just couldn't tell where it was because there was so much blood. I was rushed to the hospital and upon arrival I was immediately started on a variety of shots, intravenous drugs, and oral medications in an effort to reduce the swelling in my head.
On February 22, 2016 a team of Neurosurgeons performed brain surgery removing a type of tumor known as a parafalcine meningioma from my frontal lobe. It's known to be a slow growing cancer so they weren't sure just how long it had been growing.
About 3 weeks later, on March 16th while on my way from the recovery clinic to the hospital to have the staples removed from my scalp, I fell and broke my right fibula, tibia, foot, and ankle. I also further loosened my front tooth and cracked my back tooth in half causing the filling to move and wedge in between. The filling, along with half of the back tooth was later removed. Eventually I lost the front tooth.
Basically I was a mess. Unfortunately my foot and ankle haven't healed properly and I still suffer pain - even when I move in my sleep it wakes me.
While I'm grateful to be alive I've been told that it's going to be a long healing process, possibly a few years from the brain surgery. My foot and ankle will never heal correctly. I had to re-learn how to eat and talk, and walking and moving were difficult because muscles had atrophied - including and especially my core muscles. Not to mention that I now had broken bones and missing teeth. Other than one scheduled physical therapy session a few days after my surgery, I had none. I had to re-learn everything on my own.
I lost everything. My apartment, my car, some instruments...and the great credit I've worked hard all of my life for and have taken painstaking efforts to keep is ruined with creditors.
Progress has been made in many areas of my life, but I'm still in tremendous need.
I'm asking all of my fans, friends, and even strangers to show your support and donate ANY funding you can spare so that I may start rebuilding and putting my life back together again.
I'm also in need of a vehicle. While I know I can't be choosy about it, I'd hope that whoever donates the car takes into consideration that I live in Los Angeles where every trip is long distance. I'll need something that I can trust to get me around without breaking down and leaving me stranded on the side of the road. I also won't be able to afford repairs right away so it's important that the vehicle be mechanically sound...i.e., recent inspection, smog check, etc.
Presently, I'm living in temporary housing and I am beyond blessed with super supportive friends who help me. I know that I can't continue to rely on friends forever and certainly do not intend to.
I'm really hoping to have my life in order soon. Support and donations will make it possible for me to start rebuilding and putting my life back together soon.
I'm writing a book based on my life changing experience. I've also been inspired to get back to playing and plan to release a Smooth Jazz CD which will be available in 2017.
Thank you in advance for your kindness!
Darlene Moreno